Chapter 3658: 梁辰似锦3

The girl swears, "Tang Hao is in my mind, it is the real Fox Emperor!"

Said, she went to the cabin.

Han Jinmei, turned around, fixedly staring at her back, her face tightened.

Before the debut, Tang Yin was a very famous net red model. With his handsome appearance, he used to be the original book of "Heavy Snow".

In the official stage play, Tang Yan played, also the male lead phoenix.

In the film and television drama, Hua Jin stood out in the netizen vote and became the male lead candidate, and Tang Fei, who has no popular popularity, can only become a supporting role.

Hua Jin’s face was blue and green, and she walked over and grabbed her hand, sinking her voice. “No, let’s not say clearly!”

"You let go!"

"What is ‘there must be a black curtain?'”


The hull suddenly swayed.

And the girl is standing on the edge of the boat.

The ship has already started, and the ropes that are connected to the shore have already been disconnected.

With a slight shaking, Hua Jin only felt that his feet were unstable, and the girl who was pulled by his sleeves was unsteady and fell to the boat.


The girl whispered, subconsciously reaching out to grab everything that could be grasped at hand, and coldly caught the sleeves of Huajin.

Hua Jin only feels lost center of gravity...

Two people fell heavily into the lake!

In the lake water, the bubbles rushed.

Hua Jin’s fiery red velvet is as beautiful as a demon in the cold lake.

He saw the girl sinking to the bottom of the lake and immediately reached out and tried to grab her hand...

The girl is struggling.

She couldn't swim at all, and when she was nervous, a steady stream of water poured into her nose and mouth.

It seems that there is a lack of oxygen.

At this moment, Hua Jin swam to her side, and raised the rest of her mouth, mouth to mouth, and passed it to her...


"Flower brocade?"

"Flower Jin, wake up!"


In the midst of it, she felt like someone was tapping her face.

"Flower Jin, wake up!"

Then there was a huge pressure that kept pressing her belly.

Liang Yin only felt a surge in the chest, and then, almost conditioned, opened his mouth and would block the lake and the trachea, and vomited.


"Great, great, nothing, it's okay..."

The assistant was ecstatic, holding her body and cheering!

"Great, Hua Jin, you finally woke up! I thought you were going to have an accident! Hehe... If anything happens, I really don't know how to explain it?!"

What happened?

just in case……?

How could she not understand it?

Also, who is this woman crying in her ear?

Why did she keep her "flowers"?

She is not at all...

Liang Yin opened his eyes and felt that his throat was sore.

She coughed and coughed, but the sound of coughing was the voice of a very strange man.

She suddenly stunned her eyes and subconsciously reached out to touch her throat, but she couldn't touch her throat.

Throat knot! ? !

How does she have a throat? !

Liang Yin was too scared to speak.

The surrounding staff saw her wake up and immediately gathered up and wrapped her up with a huge blanket.

"The weather is cold, don't freeze!"

“Fast, take the flower brocade to the hotel and take a hot bath!”

(End of this chapter)

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