Chapter 3672: Liang Chen Xiang Jin 20

Liang Yin’s tears fell ragingly, hugged his shoulders, and a terrible cry.

Hua Jin’s headache helped the amount. “Is it so important to be seen by the body?”

"Of course it is important!"

Liang Yin has been receiving traditional family-style education since childhood. Parents have been educating her, girls, self-respect and self-love, especially at the beginning and night, can only be given to their husbands!

And my body, besides the husband, once it is seen by any man, it will become worthless!

"I was looked at by you, I am not worth it..."

Liang Yin cried sadly. "My mother said that if the body is seen by other men, the man is not his husband, the body is soiled..."

"This is all the time."

Hua Jin disapproved of the truth, "Now is not a male respect society, your mother even took such backward thinking as a dogma?"

Liang Yin tears, oh, straight down.

Hua Jin was helpless, but she had to scream at her with a good voice. "Well, don't cry."

As he wiped his tears for her, he said, "Who said that the girl's body was seen, it is worthless. The girl is confident, beautiful, beautiful, who says the girl's self-worth is to rely on this What is it? And, this is an accident. If I don’t take a shower, what if I have a fever? Is it not your body?”

Liang Yin suddenly stopped crying and looked at him unexpectedly.

She felt ashamed that she did not expect that the flower club would comfort her so seriously.

Han Jin said again, "And, if you talk about your boyfriend in the future, I will give it to him for the first time. If he doesn't want you, you shouldn't because you don't have a cockroach, you can't find it."

Liang Yin listened silently, not talking.

"I have seen many people who value their own chastity. It is obvious that the man is not suitable for himself. Just because he is his first man, he will die and marry him. As a result, he will never be happy in his life."

Hua Jin said again, "Girls, it is best to be independent, do not live attached to anyone, why use these dogmas to restrain yourself?"

Liang Yin listened and gradually stopped his tears.

Hua Jin listened and touched her head, but she always felt embarrassed.

After all, he touched his head.

There is nothing wrong with Liang Yin’s look, but the heart is ups and downs.

She did not expect that the flower club would tell her this.

All along, the family has given her education, all girls, to restrain themselves.

However, Hua Jin went to tell her that girls must be independent, they must know how to protect themselves, but they must also know how to pursue their own happiness without having to restrain themselves too much...

When I was sensible, I thought about it, and Hua Jin said it all.

He has no reason to see her body.

It’s just that at the moment, he has no way.

Liang Yin licked his lips and was a little embarrassed.

I always feel that she is very talented. It seems that there are some big problems!

Although she still felt a little awkward, her emotions gradually calmed down.

"After... if you take a shower, I will wash."

Liang Yin said.

Han Jin listened, and the lips were so powerful. "Why?"

"Because... this is my body."


Hua Jin nodded and asked in a meaningful way. "After that, you take a shower, will I wash you?"

"What?!" Liang Yin, a devilish expression, subconsciously protects himself even more.

(End of this chapter)

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