Chapter 3680: 梁辰似锦28

Qin Zhou smiled.

"How, being scared by your fans?"

Hua Jin nodded and swallowed. "I didn't think I stood on the stage before. Now I feel... these fans are crazy!"

Before the words were finished, the fan group behind him continually squeezed forward, accompanied by the call of the sea, and Jin Jin saw Liang Yin appear.

Liang Yin squeezed the microphone nervously. When he appeared, he felt countless strong lights falling on her body.


So that a flower in front of me, for a while did not restore vision.

The host made a brief opening statement and looked at her.

Before Liang Yin came to power, the host had already passed the script with her. However, although the ditch passed the script, after all, the first one appeared in the spotlight as a "star". After all, it was not suitable, so that it was scary. The platoon was stunned in place.

Hua Jin saw her staying in the same place, helping her with a headache.

Why is she scared not to say a word? !

Wouldn't it be a market?

Qin Zhouyi looked at it.

On the stage, the host saw Liang Yin holding the microphone nervously, his expression was delayed, and some were puzzled by her unexpected performance.

"Flower Jin, say hello to the fans under the stage!"

Liang Yin only came back to God. Some of his stiff hands raised his hand and smiled at the stage. "Hello everyone, I am a flower..."

The voice just fell, the fans under the stage screamed crazy!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Ah! Hanjin!"

"Flower Jin I love you!!"


I don't know who slammed hard, so that the good laughter from the audience also shouted her husband.

The battle is too big.

So, in the small hall, the sound of the waves is overwhelming, and Liang Yin only feels his head squeaking.

It turned out that when the star is such an experience? !

Feeling... not good!

She is a fan of Don Juan, and she has seen many fans chasing stars. At that time, the more enthusiastic the support, the more excited the star idol on the stage.

Screaming so hard, is to let the idol hear.

It’s a pity that Liang Yin has now switched to the perspective of Hua Jin. It’s only to find out that no matter how enthusiastic it is, so many fans are in her eyes, and there is only a piece of pressure. She even feels that the fans under the stage are exactly the same. The face can't tell who is who.

Too passionate, but instead...

Let her be at a loss.

"Flower Jin, I love you!"

"Husband! Husband!"


She does not know how to respond.

Because she now occupies the body of Hua Jin, but she is not a flower brocade, these are not her fans, she does not even know how to give back their enthusiasm!

I only feel that the six gods have no ownership.

In general, stars do activities, and they need to constantly interact with fans on the stage.

However, Liang Yin’s ability to be on the spot is not so bad, it is simply terrible.

She just stood in the same place, as if it were petrified.

Flower koi face.

He knew that there was no way for ordinary people like Liang Yin to cope with this occasion.

Qin Zhou was speechless, "She seems to be frightened by your fans."

"……Is it so exaggerated?"

Hua Jin is not very good-natured. "Isn't it just to say hello to the fans, do you have an interaction? Isn't it difficult? I haven't told her to act yet!"


Qin Zhoudao, "She may not have entered your role yet."

Hua Jin feels headache, anxiety, but can't help.

(End of this chapter)

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