Chapter 3688 梁辰似锦36

Two people were at the airport scene, Liang Yin was in a state, so that Hua Jin did not jump, along with her emotions, and completely entered the role state.

What made him a little shocked was that Liang Yin’s last scene, when he was to split up with Mu Guangge, was slightly sideways, and the corner of his eye was secretly hiding tears, constantly tumbling, but because he was stubborn, he did not fall down!

It’s too shocking...

Hua Jin excitedly stopped.

He walked up to Liang Yin and asked in a strange way. "You... really not a class student?"

Liang Yin is somewhat curious, "What is a class student?"

"That is..."

Hua Jindao, "A lot of actors are from the Beijing Opera Nortel. The actors from these film academies are called Keban students, and they are all professionally trained."

Liang Yin smiled. "I read English translation in my university. I haven't played any drama except for drama."


Han Jin is a little depressed.

How is her acting so good?

This is the standard, people are more popular than the people, Liang Yin's talent is not inferior to Gu Xingze.

"It's a pity that you are not an actor!"

Liang Yin listened, and it was unclear at a time. The words of Hua Jin are derogatory or derogatory, and some are puzzled. "You... are you boasting me?"

"of course."

Hua Jin snorted, "I am not boasting what you are?"

Liang Yin blushed red and said, "Thank you..."

Han Jindao, "In the morning, you got a pass-through script, are you hungry?"


Liang Yin nodded, "Hungry!"

"Then, go out with me for breakfast!"

"Hey? Can you just go out?"

Hua Jin explained, "This is a film and television city. There are no complicated people who can mix in. Only reporters and fans who visit the class, the food court is next to the food street, and everything is eaten. It is only a few hundred meters from the hotel. It's quite convenient."

Sometimes, many stars in the movie studio are waiting for a few months.

Eat and live, are in the film and television city.

Many of the quaint buildings in the film and television city were built in the back. Because of the filming, the area here has gradually prospered. A few years ago, there may be only half of the fast food here, but then the film and television industry is more and more developed. There are dozens of crews making movies here.

Actor, staff, journalist, fan...

Such a large group, therefore, has spawned many businesses.

Hotels, inns, guest houses, food courts... are all available.

Hua Jin asked Liang Yin what he wanted to eat.

Liang Yin realized that this flower brocade seems to be quite a gentleman's feeling!

Two people just walked out of the room, but there was a voice from Tang Yan.

"Flower Jinsong!"

Hua Jin consciously turned back, and then he realized that he was reacting. He is now Liang Yin.

Don Juan is not calling him.


This Tang Yan is really annoying.

Perhaps because of him, he did not think that he was on the boat that day, Liang Yin was compelling, saying that Tang Yan was the real hero of this drama. He saw Tang Yan feel annoying.

This Tang Yan, young, oily face!

I don't know where is it? !

Han Jin took a look at Liang Yin, but she saw that she also turned and saw Tang Yan, her face was red!

Han Jin was angry and was so angry that she stepped on her foot.

Not heavy, but it is enough to attract her attention!

Liang Yin whispered down the voice and asked, "What are you doing on me??"

(End of this chapter)

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