Chapter 3692: 梁辰似锦40

The flower koi eyes are on the face, and there is a very false smile on the face. "Of course it is a prejudice against you! Don't look at the flower brocade is so good to you, hey, do you think he wants to take care of you? Like you, for the sake of fame The 18-line little star, he is the most despised!"

Tang Yan’s face changed, but there was some doubt.

Because, with his understanding of Huajin, it seems that Huajin really said so!

Usually in the crew, he can see that Hua Jin obviously does not want to see him.

I don't know why, I calmed him up overnight.


When Tang Yin was still thinking, Wang Liang came back with Xiao Yan.

"Oh! Yours!"

She placed the little squat in front of Hua Jin, and her tone was not good.

The soup splashed a little.

Fortunately, the flower brocade avoids it in time, otherwise, it is afraid to splash on the back of the hand.

Liang Yindao, "Eat!"

The flower snorted and snorted, ignored her, took the spoon directly, and ate it silently.

However, when Liang Yin turned his head and faced Tang Yin, his tone calmed down.

"Do you seem to like eating yellow packets?"


"However, I remember when you were doing a live broadcast, saying that your favorite food is soy milk fritters."

Don Juan had some accidents. "Have you seen my live broadcast?"


Liang Yin said in a hurry, "I have seen it by chance."

"Haha, that's what I said casually. At that time, I didn't play a net play. The role inside is that I like to eat soy milk fritters. So, no matter what the answer, it's right to go to the role, it is good for propaganda. It is good for fans to enter the role."

Liang Yin listened, and his face was somewhat disappointing. "Is the star interviews all false?"

"Not all, it depends on how the company wraps you."

Tang Yan said again, "Hua Jin predecessors, you have been debuting for so many years, you should know more about this."


Liang Yin asked some questions, "What about your ideal type?"


"It’s the live broadcast, you said, what kind of girl do you like?"

"Oh, that!"

Tang Yan said with a smile, "In fact, I don't know what my ideal type is. Anyway, I must be beautiful and have a better body."

"Then you said that you haven't talked about love..."

"How is it possible?"

Don Juan disapproved, "That is what the company told me. In fact, I talked about three girlfriends at school, but they all ended up. Then I entered the entertainment circle, the company banned, not allowed to fall in love, so I have been single for a long time."

Liang Yin looked a little embarrassed.

In the eyes, it is somewhat lost!

What is lost is that, in the original, the idol in my heart will lie. Everything that he has shown is planned by the company, and it is all step by step.

Suddenly, I feel a little ironic!

Because in some interviews, Tang Yin said that he never lie, he is a very honest and reliable man.

It seems ironic now.

Hua Jin also noticed the change of Liang Yin's face. Suddenly, he smirked a little and pretended to ask casually. "It is a single long time. In fact, is it just a spiritual single?"

"What do you mean?"

Liang Yin and Tang Yan asked in unison.

Hua Jin is deceiving, "I don't say, say, you won't admit it."

Liang Yin was even more anxious, and pushed him. "You said it!"

(End of this chapter)

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