Chapter 3698: 梁辰似锦46

Liang Yin nodded and said, "The painkillers can't be eaten more, and the side effects are bigger."

The assistant said, "No, this painkiller is brought back from Japan. The side effects are very small and there is basically no side effect."


Liang Yin has never seen this painkiller, called EVA, but this painkiller does have no side effects.

The assistant tried to ask, "I heard that Qin Zhou gave you another assistant. However, how was the girl who fell into the water that day? Where is she now? I packed up the room yesterday, just waited for her to move over and waited. I didn’t see the figure for a long time, I was afraid to disturb you, so I didn’t come over and ask.”

Liang Yin reacted and didn't know what to answer.

Indeed, it seems that there are many inconveniences when two people are under one roof.

However, this inconvenience is not very established.

Although it is a lonely man and a woman, but now the gender has been exchanged, living together, it seems that there is not much difference.

Liang Yindao, "Let's talk later! I will go and give him things."

The voice just fell, but the assistant stopped her.

"Flower Jin..."

Liang Yin turned his head and looked at her. The assistant quietly walked into the door and cautiously asked, "The girl named Liang Yin, it will not be yours..."

"What am I?"

"Your... lovers?"

The assistant asked very concealed.

I have never had this kind of thing before.

Because for artists, the more popular, the higher the popularity, the more can not announce the love.

People can eat grains and grains, and they all have seven emotions and six desires. Sometimes a star falls into love. In order not to announce, they will turn lovers into assistants. Every day, they will be together like a glue. They are both grand and well-known, and they can hide their eyes and ears.

However, the vast majority of male stars will do this.

If a female actress has a relationship, the vast majority of the objects are wealthy and wealthy, and they are not good, but also the contract lover in the circle.

The so-called contract lover is a star of many second and third tiers, or a star who is too angry. He wants to use love affair and gain fame.

Therefore, the assistant suspected this.

Liang Yin then laughed. "How is it possible?"

She is a bit awkward, "Other things, let's talk later!"

Liang Yin said, holding the door frame, it is undoubtedly the next order.

The assistant saw it, and his face could not help but be embarrassed.

She lost her way out of the door, Liang Yin closed the door, and the assistant's face outside the door appeared an unpleasant expression.

That is 嫉妒, red, bare, naked.

At the beginning, the reason why she became an assistant to Hua Jin, she spent a lot of handwriting, but also to walk the relationship, but also to ask for human feelings, and finally got what I wanted, became an assistant to the idol.

This assistant is divided into three or six, etc., administrative assistant, crew assistant, personal assistant...

She started with an administrative assistant. The administrative assistant was only responsible for booking air tickets, hotels, and other behind-the-scenes work. Generally, she did not see stars.

Finally, she waited for the opportunity to use the means of not seeing the light, and squeezed out one of the life assistants around Hua Jin. Finally, she got what she wanted and became the closest assistant to him.

Can become an assistant to Hua Jin, this is her dreams are not dare to think, but has been ambitious!

After all, I can accompany my idols day and night, and I can get a lot of commissions, a good thing!

(End of this chapter)

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