Chapter 371 Mother and Son Warmth

Such as carousels, such as bumper cars, such as rocket towers...

Yu You originally remembered those high-altitude stimulation projects and wanted to try the project of the trapeze, but his body was not suitable for playing too exciting projects.

Insufficient blood supply to the congenital heart is not suitable for high-altitude projects.

Although I feel a little pity, I can give up for the sake of the body.

There are still many projects in Dreamland. It is very interesting. After playing a few projects, the mother and the child are somewhat happy. Yuntianyou can deplore the messy thoughts in his heart and wholeheartedly devoted himself to a happy holiday.

Yun Shishi took several photos of him through this opportunity.

The small milk bag is quite good, and the lens feels very good. Even if I go there, I don’t do anything, just raise a smile. The photo taken is white and looks like a handsome little model. ,Very cute!

Played the dream manor in a circle, the mother and the child are also tireless, and took a break in the sweetheart street, they intend to reinvigorate the next attraction!

Yun Shishi was afraid that the sun was too hot, so he bought a dessert for the little guy at the dessert station.

At this time, the advantages of VIP tickets are reflected.

As long as you have a VIP ticket, all the consumption in the park is free of charge!

Yun Shi poetry secretly surprised, she did not know the value of these two VIP tickets, only secretly praised Li Hanlin's intention and thoughtfulness.

What she didn't know was that as the largest shareholder of Lezhi Company, two VIP tickets were just a phone call for Yun Tianyou.

Yuyou likes mango and strawberry flavors, so Yun Shishi specially bought him a two-color ice cream with mango and strawberry flavors, which he held in his hand.

Yuyou sat in the face and licked the first lip of the ice cream, but it was sent to the mouth of Yun Shishi: "Ah~ Mommy, you are hot too!"

"Thank you baby!" Yun Shishi tasted a bite, the ice cream was very soft, the milk was full, and the entrance was instant. She picked up her eyebrows with amazement and compared her two thumbs. "Good food, you can taste it." Look!?"

Youyou has a pair of water-like dawns and smiles. He also took a bite at random. The soft ice cream melted between the lips and teeth, accompanied by a rich milky fragrance, sweet and fruity, sweet but not greasy.

After a taste, you can taste that the ice cream is pure, made with real fruit, and there is no cut corner.

To this end, Yun Tianyou is very satisfied.


Not far away, there was a call for nothing.

The crowd was noisy, and Yun Shishi didn’t hear too clearly at first. He only looked at the small milk bag that was walking around while enjoying the ice cream. The attention was all concentrated on him, so he did not hear someone calling her behind him. .

Until a woman holding the child came to her and patted her on the shoulder: "Are you a poetry? Yun Shishi...?"

A poem of Yun Shi poetry, looking back, but seeing a young woman dressed in mature charm, with a thick face on her face, the five senses are not out of pick, but it is also good-looking.

"Poetry! Is it really you? I thought I was the wrong person!?" The woman said with excitement, "Do you still recognize me?"

"Jiang Li...?" Yun Shishi screamed a name from his mouth.

Yesterday morning, the chapter 406407408 was released due to the disordered content of the system. After the technical department feedback is the old reader cache problem, please pay attention to the message area! There will be chapters in the future, please don't misunderstand, it is really the system to ventilate, not that I took the old chapters perfunctory! Because of the inconvenience and misunderstanding caused by the system, Hua Rong once again thanked him! ! (砰砰砰砸地!)

(End of this chapter)

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