Chapter 3715: 梁辰似锦63

Han Jin had some accidents. "I didn't think that you would say that there is such a depth. I always thought that your mind was very simple."

Liang Yin didn't look at him with a good look, but he didn't say anything.

The steak is up, the chilled steak, seven mature, with some bloodshot.

Liang Yin saw the bloodshot and asked, "Is this mature?"

"Seven mature."

“Will it be too raw?”

"No, this cooked steak is very tender."

Saying, Han Jin took the steak on her hand.

Liang Yin also thought that he would grab her steak to eat, and he would blame him for his resentment.

Hua Jin took a look at her, cut the steak bit by bit, cut into ribs, he was deep and which part was more difficult to chew, so he cut this part into diced meat.

After everything went well, he handed the steak back to her.

Liang Yin saw it, and some people were shocked by his gentleman's side.

It turned out that he did not say a word to the steak, is it to give her everything?

Liang Yin is somewhat flattered.

How does she have an inexplicable illusion.

Now two people are sitting in the western restaurant, it seems like a couple of dating.

Hua Jin looked at her with a meaningful look. She would know what she was doing in the dark belly. She saw her head down, some nervously licking the steak, her face was a bit red.

So, he thought that the heating in the room was too high, so he went over and lowered the temperature.

Before returning to his seat, he blunts a rare and precious atmosphere.

"Tomorrow the studio, give me a good performance."

Liang Yin, "..."

Han Jin glanced at her with a disdain. "I invite you to eat such a high-class Western food. You will not be willing to be dragged me out of the crew?"

Liang Yinhong squinted, "I didn't mean it..."

Hua Jin listened, and smiled. "I know, but others don't know. Now in this society, we only look at the results and don't look at the process. No matter what reason you have, if you don't do well, you don't do it well."

When Liang Yin was out of the world, Hua Jin said again, "You are not doing well, you obviously have acting skills, aren't you?"



Han Jin showed a charming smile. "You have to believe that you are very good. Don't think that you can't do this. You were just too nervous that day."

Liang Yin listened and he nodded.

After eating western food and returning to the hotel, Liang Yin walked along and Huajin on the lines. When he walked to the door, he suddenly saw a girl crying in the corner of the promenade.

Cried so sad, tears streaming.

Liang Yin met, just about to go up, Hua Jin immediately stopped her.

"what are you doing?"

"I am going to care about what is going on."

"Don't go."

Han Jin warned, "Don't gossip."

Liang Yin did not agree with it. "She is crying here, maybe there is something tricky, I have to ask."

Said, she pushed the flower brocade, went to the girl's side, and squatted down, "What's wrong?"

The girl was originally immersed in the sadness, and she heard the sound of Liang Yin’s abrupt voice. Some of them were shocked. When they saw it, they were brocade, and they couldn’t stop crying.

She cried even harder.

Liang Yin wanted to help her stand up, and then she helped her up, and the whole piece of paper fell.

"……what is this?"

Waiting for the flower to stop, Liang Yin took the paper and took it.

(End of this chapter)

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