Chapter 3743: Liang Chen Xiangjin 91


Yun Shishi saw that he smiled, some accidents, slightly rounded his eyes, and immediately Liang Yuandao, "Hua Jin, not your assistant, even when you laugh, there are some points."

Hua Jin listened, and it was a little bit unbelievable.

Liang Yin also looked at Yun Shi's poems with amazement, and blinked his eyes, and some of them could not return to God.

Yun Shishi did not know the smiles of the two people between Hua Jin and Liang Yin. It was just a pure feeling that Fang Liang’s appearance when he smiled was like the smile of Hua Jinping.

Hua Jin’s heart was moved.

He did not think that even if he had become another look, she remembered.

Hua Jin still remembered what Xiao Xiaochen said to him.

"I am standing with Youyou. No matter who you are, even if you are awkward, it is difficult to distinguish us clearly without height. But Mommy can tell clearly, which is Yuyou, which is me. Is it amazing?"

At that time, Hua Jin felt the delicate thoughts of Yun Shishi. However, he did not think that even if he was not a "flower brocade", she could distinguish his shadow from another person.

Hua Jin cautiously asked, "I really laugh like a flower brocade?"

"Well, it's very similar."

Yun Shishi looked at Liang Yin and said with a smile, "Hua Jin laughs at me every time, his eyes are like you, and he is one!"

Then she went back to the pool and her arms were on the edge of the pool, so I took a bath.

Hua Jin and Liang Yin looked at each other and looked at each other.

Gong Yi looked at Yun Shi poetry and looked at the flower brocade.

Fang Cai, Yun Shishi recognized the flower brocade at a glance.

I don't know, if this happened to him, will his sister and sister recognize his shadow from a smile!

When Hua Jin Gang wanted to swim to Yun Shishi, the palace immediately extended his arm and took him back to his side.

"Not allowed!"


Hua Jinqi screamed at the palace, not very amiable, "Miyazaki, what are you going to do?"

Miyazaki suppressed the sound warning. "You are not allowed to be within one meter of my sister."

"How are you so overbearing?!"

Han Jin took a look at him, not so angry, "just like a child."

Miyazaki heard the words, but it was a sinful smile, the gentleness of the face, but the voice was cool and sultry. "Why, if you think you become a woman, I will not dare to hit you?"

"...that's not the case, you won't even have a woman to fight?"

"You feel……"

Miyazaki suddenly bullied the flower brocade. "Besides playing, I have no means to make you want to be born?"

"... whisper."

Han Jin was swallowed nervously and his eyes widened.

Miyazaki looked at him so coldly, and was originally annoyed with his stomach, especially thinking of the "special treatment" of Hua Jin in front of Yun Shishi, which made him extremely unhappy!

Just, I don't know why, the expression on Hua Jin's face... It's so interesting.

His eyes are so big that when the eyes are wide open, the whole expression looks dull, sly, and the eyes are full of his magnified reflections. It looks stupid, but feels...

It was a little cute!

Miyazaki almost broke, and he turned his face awkwardly.

He would have thought that this guy... after being a woman, it would be a little cute.

Has his brain rusted into the water?


(End of this chapter)

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