Chapter 3855 梁辰似锦210

Gong Yi smiled, "Okay."

He didn't want to mention this at the birthday party, afraid she was not happy.

However, with his understanding, Yun Shishi will not be interested in this incident.

She is also looking forward to meeting with Gong Shaoying.

After so long, Yun Shishi also understands that Gong Shaoying is not malicious to her, for the sake of her own.

Only he used the most wrong way to round his greed.

And his greed, as the palace said, is just an old father, I hope a family reunion.

However, the memory of washing away the blessings indirectly leads to the destruction of the first person, and he has an unshirkable responsibility.

She can't forgive.

She believes that Gong Shaoying has betrayed her mother once, and she has no comment on her.

That is the grudge between the older generation.

However, imprisoning and blessing, turning him into a tool to make use of profit, this is the second betrayal!

Betrayal of her!

Gong Shaoying blamed her for her decision.

And she hates his unrequited love!

Miyazaki did not expect that Yun Shishi would like to see the palace less shadows. From the expression, the clouds are light and light, and they are understated. It seems that the old friends are old and old, and they can't see any resentment from their eyes.

Open-minded, but a kind of carelessness.

She is willing to face Gong Shaoying, something he has never thought of.

Gong Shaoying may be because of fear, fear of meeting her, will be a break.

Therefore, perhaps because in order to avoid, Gong Shaoying has always avoided the palace, he is afraid that Yun Shishi will propose to see him, so, like a tortoise, suddenly disappeared without disappearing. trace.

Yun Shishi thought that he had lost his trace and would not appear in her world.

Unexpectedly, Gong Shaoying suddenly proposed to see her.

Like a heart-like, both father and daughter are faintly aware that this meeting may mean a break between two people.

But still have to see.

Behind him, You You vaguely heard the chat of two people, but he turned around in the Yunshi poetry and the palace, and immediately hid in the dark corner.

It was not until the palace and Yun Shi poetry went away that he came out of the corner.

Vaguely, I heard Mommy say that I want to see the man.

He is a little worried.


On the second day after the birthday party, Gong Shaoying learned that Yun Shishi was willing to see him, so he pushed all the affairs and let Gongyi arrange him to meet Yun Shi poetry.

Soon after, Gong Shaoying flew to Beijing.

The location is about a hidden villa in the palace in Beijing, and it is agreed that at 6 o'clock in the evening, the Yunshi poetry will go to the appointment.

For the whole night, Gong Shaoying did not get a good eye.

He repeatedly brewed in his heart, long time to see his daughter, how to tell her for so many years, miss her and he is not very good at saying something lyrical, but clearly, this may be the last time two people see you again Opportunity, the second meeting, perhaps, is at his funeral.

Therefore, he wants to seize the opportunity and will want to tell the fortune will be organized.

However, the more I think, the more I can't understand my thoughts.

In the morning, Gong Gong called and said that because of the night to accompany Yue Yao, so the time is set at noon.

After eating lunch, she will come.

Gong Shaoying is like an enemy, deliberately alienated his hair, and changed his body to a solemn suit, which is particularly formal.

Yun Shishi is very punctual, and this is like him.

(End of this chapter)

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