Chapter 3871: 梁辰似锦226


Xiao Yuchen was so up in the cold sweat from the bed.

He made a dream.

In the dream, he saw two blessings, one in a white shirt and one in a black shirt.

The black shirt that blessed, lying flat on the sea, clasped another blessed wrist, forcing him to kill himself.


He turned and looked at the other side of the bed, but he did not know when it was empty.


Xiao Yuchen immediately turned to get out of bed, panicked and pulled the slippers, pushed the door open, but did not expect to see the shadow of Youyou.

Something is unsettling in my heart, not just because of this dream.

The electrocardiogram between the twins made him realize that loyalty is in danger!


Xiao Yuchen went to the balcony, but through the floor-to-ceiling windows, I saw the flower bed on the back garden, a figure sitting alone on the swing.

Youyou sat down on the swing with his head down, and the morning sun poured on him, as if he had paid a golden glow for him.

Xiao Yuchen breathed a sigh of relief. He opened the door and walked into the back garden until he approached him. He slowly extended his hand and gently put it on his shoulder.


Yuyou reached the head and did not respond.

Xiao Yuchen can't help but worry.

"You slept so late yesterday, why did you get up so early?"

Xiao Yuchen did not mention the dream he had made. He thought he was too sensitive. He felt it, but it was a nightmare. He even thought so much.

Yuyou finally raised his head, opened his eyes, clear and clear eyes, looked at him, his eyes were as clean as a spring, and did not stain a trace of impurities.

He couldn't help but see, the pupils violently contracted.


Youyou took a deep breath of fresh air and said faintly, "I am back."


Xiao Yuchen suddenly stunned.

Although, the blessing in front of you is still the same facial features, but the temperament is very different.


Xiao Yuchen was in amazed tears. "You are finally back!"

He was so excited that he rushed up and hugged him tightly. "I thought, you will never come back?"

Yuyou was held in his arms by Xiao Xiaochen, and for a long time, his face showed a helpless expression.

This guy……

Still so surprised.


But let him taste the long-lost warmth.

He also hugged him back, tightly, and embraced him.

"Well, I am back!"

He smiled and said so.


A drop of hot tears fell on his forehead.

Yu You is even more laughing.

This guy, excitedly, began to shed tears.

See you again, are you so excited?

Yu You licked his forehead, but he did not know the action. He felt that he was like a brother, and he was quite a bit of a favorite.

Xiao Yuchen only hugged him and said, "If you come back, don't go any more!"

Youyou laughed and cried his nose. "Don't you want me to stop coming back?"

"No! I don't think so!"

"I see, you know what you think!"

Xiao Yuchen has a red face, "No!"

Ming knew that he was joking, but he didn't want him to make such a joke.

Yu You blamed a strange sentence, touched his head and snorted, "I am not there, have you taken care of Mommy and his sister?"

"Of course!"

(End of this chapter)

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