Chapter 3876, Chapter 4

"Well. I always dreamed about you, and I mentioned it with awkwardness. But he didn't believe it. At that time, he didn't know that you were alive. Until then, I told me that we were here. When you were born, because of your weakness, when the assistant arrived, you have not breathed. They only took me away, but they did not expect that you are still alive."

Youyou only lowered his head, but did not say anything.

Xiao Yuchen suddenly asked with concern. "Was... ‘he’ has really left?”

Youyou didn't talk, only took a deep breath, looked up at him, clear eyes, but gradually floated a few gloomy fog, constantly rolling, the devil is stunned.

He did not speak, but he was sitting on a swing, and the momentum that could not be seen directly made Xiao Xiaochen inexplicably scared.

It's him……

Youyou didn't have a word, but the invisible temperament made Xiao Xiaochen suddenly shocked. This person is not the angel who blesses, but the little demon palace.

"You seem to want me to leave."

He spoke, this tone made Xiao Xiaochen more and more determined, and Gong Fan did not leave!

Some surprises in my heart, Xiao Yuchen did not know how to cover up, so that this surprise, jumped out of his eyes.

"You are still, Gong Fan, you have not left!"

He was so excited that he held him tightly!

"I really thought you were leaving, you didn't go, great..."

Gong Fan suddenly had to hold his eyes.

He did not expect that Xiao Xiaochen would see him in this body and would be so excited.

He even imagined that Xiao Xiaochen saw that he had not left, and he would surely be disappointed.

But did not think of...

Xiao Yuchen held him tightly, but he felt a little awkward, pushing him slightly, and his look was unnatural.

"what are you doing?"

"Oh... I am just, very happy!"

Xiao Yuchen also realized that she was too excited, and immediately retracted her hand, slightly finishing the whole collar, and a little embarrassed.

Gong Fan is so indifferent to stare at him, but the chest is inexplicably hot, as if the magma is hot.


He snorted. "What's so happy? I didn't leave, I took over this body. Don't you feel unhappy?"

Xiao Yuchen laughed. "How come? Whether you or ‘he’, it’s my brother, I like it, I don’t want to go, you are, ‘he’ is also.”

Gong Fan’s eyelashes suddenly flashed, but did not speak.

He turned his face aside, but he listened to Xiao Yuchen with some surprises. "But, it was just ‘you’, how, suddenly, it became you?”

"He is tired."

When I mentioned You You, Gong Fan’s eyes were inexplicably soft and no longer full of suffocation.



Gong Fan faintly said, "He has been sleeping for too long, and he has not adapted to this body, so..."

He did not know how to explain the process.

Xiao Yuchen seems to have cleared his mind.

Is there a certain tacit agreement between You You and Gong Fan?

Every personality needs rest. Then, when this personality rests, another personality comes out. As this body, it becomes "Yuntianyou."

If you are rested, then Gong Fan will come out, then Gong Fan is tired, will you bless back to this body?

It should be... understand it!

(End of this chapter)

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