Chapter 3890 Chapter 18

Qing Er listened, his face was stiff, but he was somewhat sluggish, looking at the blessings for a long while, but he felt a little lost.

The lost emotion was so obvious that Yuyou had to ask, "What happened to you? This face."

"My friend, this is not the case!"

"Well? That's what it is."

"I hope... my friendship with Youyou is special, that is..."

That feeling can't be said.

Qinger’s mouth is somewhat crude. In fact, she hopes that she will become the most special friend of Youyou. It is the closest and the best, and can share each other’s secrets. It is higher than the friendship between the class and other children.

The only good friend!


However, Qinger said no.

However, she secretly blames herself, will she be too greedy, and she is very fortunate to be able to speak with Youyou, and is so demanding to do so much?

In short, she can talk to Youyou.

"That... in the future, we are good friends, right?"

Yuyou "hmm", he bowed his head and continued to read the novel.

With this response, Qinger couldn't bear to bother him more, afraid that he would be impatient, so he squatted on the table, screaming at the blessing, secretly placing a note with the word of Youyou. Take it out and read it several times.

The more you look, the more you like it.

The word of Youyou is so beautiful, must you practice pen characters from an early age?

She also had the habit of practicing words when she was a child. However, she has not been able to persist. Although she has not been able to persist, she has been practicing for a long time. Today, she still writes that she does not have a good look.

When I was out of school, in the car, Xiao Xiaochen saw Youyou silently looking out the window and gently hit his arm.

"Are your homework finished?"

Yu You glanced at him, although there was only one look, but he also understood his heart.

"Want to copy?"

"..." Xiao Yuchen suddenly forced himself up and screamed. "What is copying? Just learn from it."

"What are the answers to the answer?"

" bless, don't be so jealous! Show me, I see how your ideas are."

"When you go to sleep during class, you obviously don't know how to do the problem, and you start to be serious."

Yu Youton paused and glanced at him in disgust. "But your serious strength is obviously using the wrong place."


Xiao Yuchen succumbed to screaming and began to play soft cards.

"Brother loves you."


"Brother hurts you."


"You are my most painful brother..."

Saying, Xiao Yuchen whispered his mouth and leaned over to Yuyou, and he wanted to kiss him.

Blessed a bit of a paw and put it on his face.

"A little further, I am allergic to idiots."

Xiao Yuchen listened, and could not help but be a little bit stunned, and slammed a name, "Palace?"

When Yuyou came back, he was not looking at the gentle eyes, but... Xiao Yuchen was no stranger to the cold and indifferent.


Xiao Yuchen opened his mouth and wanted to exclaim. However, when he received the incomparable cold eyes of Gong Fan, he swallowed his excitement.

"It's you……"

He licked his lips and didn't talk.

Gong Fan looked out the window and glanced at Xiao Xiaochen, some doubts.

"This is where?"

"In the car."

"What car?"

Xiao Yuchen swallowed and explained, "Well... go home in the car."

(End of this chapter)

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