Chapter 3892 Chapter 20

Youyou knows that keeping the personality of Gong Fan is a drag on his mental strength, and his body is destined to be difficult to load.

Such a drag, when Gong Fan reveals the fragile side, he should be exhausted from the net and expel him from his body.

However, he still can't do it.

Thus, Youyou and Gong Fan reached a consensus.

Two personality rotations appear, and no long-term hegemony.

However, Gong Fan is still somewhat uneasy.

He is afraid that he will become a burden.

He is afraid... Yun Shi poetry will hate his existence.

"Mummy... would you hate me?"

Yun Shishi listened, but felt strange.

Aside, Xiao Yuchen was already asleep, so she bowed her head and lowered her voice and asked, "Why are you asking such a strange question?"

"Because... I am afraid that one day, Mommy will hate me."

Gong Fan said, some are upset and have some guilt.

He feels that this body does not belong to him, but he relies on it, he is occupying it, he is not willing to disappear, he is not willing to leave, he will not, Yun Shishi does not love him at all, just to wait for Yuyou to come back.

Now, since Youyou has returned, Mommy should know about this.

Then, will it start to dislike him.

Gong Fan felt uneasy.

This is the only place where he feels uneasy.

It seems that other things, there is no way to control his emotions.

Only the things related to Yunshi poetry are his most concerned, and he is the one who can most incite his emotions.

"Mummy, if one day, you feel that I am in the way, unsightly, don't hate me, tell me, you don't like me, you prefer Blessing, I will consciously leave."


Please give him the final dignity.

Don't drive away, don't be disgusted.

In addition, he has no other requirements.

Yun Shishi listened and felt very distressed. I don’t know why Gong Fan would say such things.

She always knew that the child's most lacking was a sense of security, but he did not expect that he was so sensitive that he would be so cranky.

However, what Mong Fan is worried about is what she is worried about.

She is worried that two personalities will coexist, and Yuyou will not be able to support it sooner or later.

However, she does not blame Gong Fan.

This is not his fault.

How could she blame him.

However, she is also embarrassed.

Whether it is Gong Fan or You You, she is difficult to give up, but if it is for selfishness and wants to retain the personality of Gong Fan, then what if you can't support it.

Then, she can't forgive herself for the rest of her life.

However, if you want to protect the blessing, you can only expel Miyavan to leave?

Is there a way to have the best of both worlds?

At least not to be so cruel.

"You don't think too much. Um? How can Mommy hate you?"

Gong Fan is uncomfortable. "If one day, I have to disappear, I will definitely disappear. No matter whether Mommy still remembers me, love does not love me, I don't want to want me, I always love Mommy."

This sentence touched her deeply.

Yun Shishi stunned him with a distressed sigh. "Don't think about it, Mommy won't hate you, and won't love you! Whether you or you are blessed, it's Mommy's heart." Mommy loves you, always loves you, don't think about it, okay? Go to bed early."

Gong Fan listened, and I slept with peace of mind.

Even if it is a verbal guarantee, he can change his sleep for a good night.

(End of this chapter)

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