Chapter 3926 Chapter 54

Youyou listened, and his face suddenly cooled down. "I can understand that Professor Romanka has adopted her, is it to use her as a 'test piece'?"

Alice hesitated, "not all."

"Not all?"

"Well, Professor Romanka has never had a child in this life, and Natalya was discovered by him at the welfare home. So she adopted her as a daughter. Later, he was too intoxicated in this field and wanted to overcome it. So I will not hesitate to use Natalia as a test item."

Yuyou’s eyes are colder.

“Don't you feel so cruel?”

"Science is much more cruel. Their existence is to find the problem that overcomes this academic field. Others are ethical and moral. They are not in the eye. I also said that most of us are crazy people. Like the Hurricane Group, the world feels that the hurricane is the leader of the war, and that the hurricane group is cruel. But is it really cruel, is it not the ingrained ambition of mankind?"

Alice’s words made Yuyou somewhat angry, but he was speechless.

She is right.

People are cruel and selfish.

Scientists are not philanthropists, and they are naturally unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals.

No wonder, only when I heard footsteps, especially when I heard Alice’s voice, Natalya was on the verge of enemies.

No one wants to be locked up in such a cold ward.

I don't know why, Yuyou especially hurts her. Maybe he has had the same memories as Natalya. When he was a child, he was locked up in the shack of the snowy owl.

I feel that the world is cold.

I do not know why, the mood is somewhat low.

Alice can't see it, he is distressed Natalia.

"I am currently negotiating with Professor Romanka."

Alice squatted in front of him and said softly. "I discussed with him that Lucy stayed with her and Natalya gave it to me."


Yu You’s eyes widened. “Does Professor Roman Card be willing?”

"What do you think?"

Alice smiled. "In the two distinct fields of dual personality and multiple personality, Professor Roca is obviously more interested in multiple personalities. And multiple personality must be split by dual personality, but dual personality may not be able to split multiple Personality. On the value of guinea pigs, it is obvious that Lucy is better. Although Natalya is his daughter, but after all, it is not a blood relative, and the feelings are not so deep. At least, for that madman, it must be The achievements in the academic field are even more important. Therefore, I am confident that I can negotiate successfully, so that I can bring Natalia back."

Youyou slightly frowned.

Miyazaki asked with concern, "Do you bring Natalia back for research?"

Thank you for listening, the alarm is loud, "Really?"

He immediately thought of a terrible and cruel human ti experiment.

Alice suddenly laughed and laughed. "You two sing and sing, I haven’t said anything. What are you doing so fiercely? Is it so mad in your heart?"

Youyou didn't think so. "Don't you think you are mad?"

Miyazaki also said, "You are better than Professor Romanka!"

A woman who takes an anatomy and says things!

A woman standing in the anatomy room and able to taste the wine gracefully!

The degree of terror can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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