Chapter 3928 Chapter 56

The faculty of Professor Romanka took the slant, which created a policeman's character, and constantly hypnotized that character, and wanted to urge that character to destroy all the bad personality of Lucy.

"All destroyed?"

When you blessed you, you felt awkward, "How to destroy?"

"Professor Romanka is preparing for an experiment."



Alice explained, "He wants to bring all the personalities together through dreams, then awaken the personality that represents the 'police' as part of the body and tell her to kill those evils. And the negative personality, leaving only the only good owner. If this experiment is successful, then in the field of multiple personality, he will certainly obtain absolute and authoritative academic results."

"It's too selfish."

Youyou screwed his eyebrows. "What is the difference between this and killing?"

Alice was silent for a while. "I agree with this idea, but I don't agree with his technique. I also think that this method is too cruel, and that the palliative is not a cure. He can use good personality to kill bad personality today. How can it be? Avoiding this good personality will not deteriorate, and how to avoid splitting new bad personality afterwards? I have argued with him, but he is stubborn and I cannot persuade."

"So, Lucy is a test article?"

Alice nodded and smiled. "Love can help. I am not the authority of this academic field, and I have no right to speak. Moreover, Lucy is also the patient he took over, and I have no way to interfere with his treatment."

Youyou suddenly and vigilantly said, "If his experiment is successful, then... will you repeat this experiment on me?"

Alice screamed, helplessly, "If I take your experiment, you will definitely break me down!"

Miyazaki said that she was lying on the gun. "Is that terrible?"

"You are more terrible than I said."

Alice euphemistically said, "If I dare to use this treatment plan on your relatives, you will definitely let me die without a place to die!"

"That won't be."

Miyazaki’s expression is an understatement, “because you don’t dare.”

Alice heard the words and laughed. She glanced at Yuyou and shrugged her shoulders. "You see!"

Youyou grinned.

"I am so embarrassed, at the crucial moment, I still hold my back!"

Miyazaki licked his head with no anger. "I don't care if you are not critical. White-eyed wolf!"

"Okay, okay!"

After the blessing of Yu You, the palace could not help but feel a little fluttering.

“Is it good or not?”

"Two are good." Youyou answered ambiguously.

Miyazaki did not give up, and then threw a question.

"If you are given two choices, play with you or play with you, which one would you choose?"

He was deliberately martyrdom, and asked a "deep sorrowful woman" to ask questions.

Alice is cool and cool. "Is this only a divorced person who asks a child?"

Miyazaki said proudly, "Why, I can't ask?"

As he said, he set his eyes on the blessing of Youyou.

Yu You has been thinking for a long time, and finally he honestly answered, "It’s good."


Miyazaki looked desperate.

Where can he not go to Mujac? !

"Because there is a mother in the land." You You said with a conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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