Chapter 3936 Chapter 64

Her voice just fell, and a candy came in from the crack in the door.

When Natalya saw it, she couldn't help but feel a little doubt. She was stunned and turned out to be a green, green apple-flavored candy.

who's that?

There was some doubt in her heart, who would be so bored, and stuffed her candy from the crack in the door.


She asked again, hula, and three more candy rolled in.

Natalia stunned and suddenly found that it was not the same taste as the candy she had previously hidden, purple, and pink.

She had never eaten this kind of candy, so she curiously peeled it off and found that the candy turned out to be a soft candy. It took a bite in the mouth, and a rich yoghurt scented it, and it overflowed between the lips and teeth. !

So sweet!

There is also a sour taste.

However, this sour taste does not affect the taste, but it is sour and sweet, better than the sugar she has eaten before.

She didn't eat sugar very much. Before she was six years old, she didn't even know that there was sugar.

Until later, after coming to Michel Hospital, a nurse saw her cute, secretly stuffed a sugar and handed it to her. She tasted such a sweet thing for the first time, and she liked it very much.

This nurse also really loves her. Every time she sees her, she will give her the sugar.

Sometimes, it is apple flavor.

Sometimes it is strawberry-flavored.

Sometimes it is grape-flavored.

However, this nurse is nothing more than two kinds of candy, all of which are hard candy, sometimes one, sometimes several.

Later, the nurse became busy, and often many times, she would not see her for several days.

Then Natalya would secretly hide the candy and hide it in a box, so one or two from the beginning, filled with a box.

She especially loves sugar, but she is reluctant to eat.

Because at that time, Professor Romanka had warned her because she started experimenting with her, and she was not allowed to take sugar.

She didn't know what consequences she would have with sugar, so she would secretly eat it.

Later, Professor Romanka discovered the hidden candy under her pillow. She found out a box full of boxes. In a rage, she scolded her and hid the candy in her own office.

Since then, Natalya has not been close to Professor Romanka.

Originally, Natalya did not like Professor Romanka very much.

Children are spiritual because they don't understand many accidents, but often this is the case, let the child like someone, or hate a person, because that person is not friendly enough to the child.

Professor Luomanka, although showing her love and closeness to her, is inexplicable, and she can't say why. Natalya doesn't like him.

If she can choose her, she will definitely choose to stay in the welfare home, and she is not willing to follow Professor Romanka.

So far, she has called Professor Romanka still to call "Professor."

In fact, the first reason for the adoption of Luomanka is that she thinks she is cute. The second reason is that she has certain potential and splits two personalitys. It is a good experimental product and has experimental value.

There are many factors to use.

It was because of this that she became unclosed. Later, the nurse did not dare to give her sugar, and was transferred to other departments, so she became more isolated.

(End of this chapter)

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