Chapter 3948, 76

Han Jin is completely black.

He said that he is more beautiful than flowers, it is recognized by fans, so fans give him a nickname, "flowers," meaning men who are more beautiful than flowers.


What does it look like a man? !

Even a child bullies him!

"Don't laugh!"

Han Jin screamed, seeing You You still laughing, and gently pushed his head. "Tell you, don't laugh! I have to explain it, so as not to be so small, I will raise it from an early age." Become a gender cognitive disorder!"

Youyou listened, stopped laughing, but began to seriously black out the flower brocade, "I don't think emmmm Hua Jinshu, you are born with a cognitive impairment, this is no wonder she! You see, At least, I am awkward, she knows that it is a man, she is a sinister... I am mistaken, this is no wonder others!"

Hua Jinyi listened and raised his hands to compromise.

Yu You’s poison tongue, he has already taught one or two.

However, he still has to explain it seriously.

Hua Jin turned around and said to Natalia seriously. "I am a man, not a woman. You can call me aunt, uncle, brother, but can't call me mommy, aunt, sister... understand? ”

"It seems to be a man who has been hurt." You You has a golden sentence on the side.

Indeed, like aunt, sister, etc...

At the beginning of the flower brocade, when it was not a big fire, he walked down the street and often heard these strange names.

Until the fame, this kind of trouble is also annoying.

Many black powder and straight men are sour, he is a man, but looks like a woman.

In his play, Black Powder said that it is a double female lord. In addition to the real female lord, there is also a female lord, which is the role played by Hua Jin.

When Hua Jin saw this comment at first, he was very angry. He didn't understand where there was so much black powder, and he didn't know how many water troops were involved.

However, later, I gradually felt numb, and later, it seemed that I had trained the iron wall, and I didn’t see the glass heart.


Hua Jin swayed and blessed, "You can't say that I am like a woman! Otherwise, I will be very sad! Very sad! Very sad..."

Yuyou was shaken seven times. He immediately hugged the shoulders of Huajin and said softly. "Okay, okay, I know, I know... I won’t be kidding anymore. Don't shake me anymore, otherwise I will be shaken by you."

When Miyazaki saw his family outside, he was shaken by a flower brocade as a puppet, but he turned a blind eye. Instead, he pulled Natalia into front of him and said softly. "You have to work hard, you follow this uncle, 乖A little, um? If he bullies you, heal you, and you said slyly."

In the past few days, the feelings of Miyazaki and Natalia have grown by leaps and bounds.

In fact, originally, Miyazaki was not willing to adopt Natalia at all.

For him, having one more child is nothing more than a burden.

Moreover, it is not his own.

He already has such a little princess as Yueyao, so no matter what Natalia looks so beautiful and lovely, he is also indifferent.

However, I don't know why, after the adoption process, Miyazaki and Alice's arrangement finally saw Natalya more formally.

Surprisingly, Natalya was especially close to him when he saw the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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