Chapter 3954, Border 82

He sat down and gently stroked her forehead.

"Hey! You should sleep!"

"I want you to accompany me..."

Natalia’s spoiled tone simply made him unable to resist.

The palace was helpless, so she lay down beside her, re-slid the quilt for her, and gently licked her forehead with her nose.

"good night……"

Natalia smiled and her eyes narrowed and she quickly fell asleep.


Before the evening, You You was sent back to Mujia. When he and Yun Shishi said that Gong Yi had adopted a daughter, Yun Shishi was so shocked that his eyes would almost come out!

how is this possible? !

Her younger brother, who is notoriously cool, is able to adopt a daughter with great care. !

She can't wait to see, this girl who made her brother break the case, what kind of!

Youyou has the key to the villa.

There are three keys in total.

A handful of flowers, a palace, a handful.

However, the next day, when Yun Shishi opened the door of the villa and appeared with the two people in the bedroom door, they saw the scene where the three people hugged and slept on the bed...

She is not good for the whole person!

Youyou sees Yun Shi’s poems in the same place, and curiously explores his head. However, when he sees Miyata holding Natalia, Natalya is holding a scene of flowering, and she is so scared that she sucks. A cold breath!

"Well, cough!"

Youyou was so serious that he cleared his throat.

Miyazaki slept shallowly, heard the movement, slammed his eyes open, and looked at the sound, but saw the Yun Shi poem and Yu You in the doorway. He was slightly shocked and immediately sat up from the bed and smashed the messy amount. Hair, and then follow the eyes of Yun Shi poems to look around...

Hua Jin...

Hey, he remembered.

Last night, it seemed that three people were sleeping together.

However, it is not a normal thing for a man to sleep with a man. Why does the sister look at his gaze, so meaningful?

The palace lips twitched.

What wouldn't she misunderstand? !


Yun Shishi did not say it clearly. She did not say it. He didn't even have the opportunity to explain. If it was forcibly explained, then there is inevitably a feeling that is more and more black, and there is no silver in this place.

However, watching her look at her own eyes is like a feeling of "I know, you don't want to explain"...

Miyazaki became more and more nausea in his heart. As soon as he stretched his legs, he immediately woke up the flower koi.

Han Jin suddenly woke up. He slammed up and saw Yun Shishi. He thought he was dreaming. He smirked a few times. He turned his head and saw the palace. He couldn’t wake up anymore. !


How did he sleep in this room? !

Hua Jin carefully thought about it and finally thought about it.

He remembered it.

Yesterday, Gong Gong sang to Natalya. As a result, he listened and listened. He fell asleep first, and he was very stable overnight. He did not dream.

After that, he didn't know anything.

Looking at this situation, did the palace gongs stay in this room yesterday?

Certainly yes.

Natalia must not let him go, wrapped around him.

Looking at the strange eyes of Yun Shi's poems, Hua Jin's eyelids jumped even more.

He also wants to be as embarrassed as the palace.

He also felt that Yun Shishi obviously misunderstood something, but she did not say it, and he could not explain it!

How to do……

I can't tell her to misunderstand!

Hua Jin thought about it and planned to force a wave of explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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