Chapter 3965, Chapter 93


An angry anger.

Miyazaki's sharp eyes swept past unpleasantly.

The people around him were really shocked by his gaze!

Gongyi has a pair of sharp eyebrows like Jianfeng. If it is normal, it looks flatter and looks more peaceful. If it is frowning, it is not angry and angry. There is an inexplicable emperor.

Together with that pair of cold eyes, it is enough to freeze the crowd within a few tens of meters into ice on this sunny day.

In an instant, the noisy crowd is quiet at once!

Everyone was shocked by Miyazaki's cold eyes!

Super fierce.

This man is super fierce! TAT

Looking handsome and cool, who knows how to start a temper, there is a feeling of thunder!

Where the eyes of the palace are, the crowds are each retreating three meters.

Han Jin is also stunned!

It was not frightened by the imperial power of the palace, but I did not expect it at all... The eyes of Miyazaki had such great power and were much more powerful than the ten bodyguards!

However, he finally found a resonance!

If it is not limited by identity, he will definitely ask those people: Yes! He is really fierce, right!

A pair of eyes seems to be able to shoot a sword!

Right? Right?

Really not him! Really!

However, fortunately at this time, Miyazaki's eyes are too deterrent, otherwise, I don't know how to get out of this dilemma.

Behind the Yuyou and Yun Shi poems are dimmed, and the palace god, the "killing god" in front of the road, the road behind is naturally smooth, Yun Shi poetry do not have to worry, who is recognized by whom passers-by!

A group of five people went into the Ferris wheel so smoothly.

Natalya was the first to see the Ferris wheel, her eyes full of embarrassment, and some worried.

For her, the Ferris wheel and the hot air balloon are probably more exciting items.

Hot air balloon is ok.

This Ferris wheel is really high, so tall that she can't see the top even if she raises her head.

In her childhood, she grew up in a hospital except for a welfare home.

If it is not accompanied by the discrimination of other children in the welfare home, it is not the smell of disinfectant.

Although her purple eyes are very beautiful, other children in the welfare homes treat her as a different kind, and they all call her with the words "monster" or "monster".

The children are young and not sensible. The vast majority of children feel that they have black eyes or brown eyes.

The purple eyes are like a fairy.

The children are afraid of the goblin, so they are not willing to play with her.

Therefore, Natalya's childhood is very lonely, let alone the Ferris wheel, is the amusement park, she is also the first time.

Therefore, restlessness, excitement, nervousness, excitement, and complex moods.

Youyou can see the worry on her face and explain, "You can rest assured that the Ferris wheel is safe!"

"Good sorghum."

Natalya looked at her neck for a long time.

Hua Jin asked softly, "Want to play?"

Natalya nodded. "Well! I want to play."

"That, let's be together!"

Natalia nodded in satisfaction.

A total of four people can sit in the carriage, so Yun Shishi proposed to wait for them in the rest area.

She doesn't really like to play the Ferris wheel, come to the amusement park, just to accompany Natalia.

So, four people used the VIP card and entered the car directly. Huajin personally tied the seat belt for Youyou and Natalia.

(End of this chapter)

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