Chapter 3987, 115

"Oh, how come?"

The nanny immediately put down the work in his hand and quickly went upstairs. When he saw the flower brocade fell on the sofa, the posture looked like he was sleeping on the sofa, and he could not help but sigh.

"It's tired!! How do you fall asleep on the sofa?!"

The nanny smashed and smashed, and as he walked forward, he gently pushed the shoulders of Huajin.

"Young master, young master?"

Hua Jin did not move at all.

The nanny was suspicious and shook him a little harder.

Hua Jin suddenly woke up.

He opened his eyes and only felt a terrible headache. His head seemed to be poor. He didn't react for a while, where he was.

Natalya saw the confusion in his eyes and suddenly realized that her hypnotism was successful.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Hypnotism, pay attention to coordination.

If, in the case of a person who is extremely resistant and repelled before being hypnotized, especially when he is so vigilant, as if to guess what she is going to do, hypnosis can easily fail in such a situation.

Did not expect that success.

She took a deep breath and immediately raised her smile, so she carefully said, "Uncle, are you tired? How do you fall asleep on the sofa?"

Hua Jinguang also has some doubts.

He couldn't figure out why he was lying on the sofa for no reason at all.

The memory still stays in the palace when he left, how did he blink, he lay here?

What happened in the middle was not noticed at all.

Han Jin is somewhat confused, "How can I be here?"

"You said that you are tired, want to sit down, didn't expect to lie on the sofa, and fell asleep."

Natalya paused and explained, "I didn't want to wake you up. But the weather is getting colder. I am worried that you are cold, so I want to wake you up and go back to the room to sleep."

Hua Jin listened, still somewhat puzzled.

Then why is the middle memory missing for no reason?

What happened between the two, how did he forget about it?

"Maybe you are sleepy, tired?!"

Natalya said, "If you are tired, go back to the room and sleep! Not too early, go to bed early."

Said, she also yawned, "I feel sleepy, I went back to the room to rest, good night."

Hua Jin nodded, but still a little worried.

I feel my head is empty.

He doesn't like this feeling.

It is like a loss of memory.

At that moment, he seemed to understand, why Yuyou once said to him that the memory of the two stages of alternating personality is always blank and how painful it will be.

It is like a memory loss.

Hua Jin gently rubbed his head and thought for a while. He couldn't remember what happened in the past. So he had to stand up and grab the jacket on the side.

The nanny saw that he was not right. He asked with concern. "What happened?"

"Some uncomfortable."

Hua Jin is weak and powerful. "I am tired and want to rest early."

"Well... that young master, take a break early! Good night."


Hua Jin walked toward the bedroom.

The nanny looked at his back with some hesitation.

Only then...

She stood on the stairs and vaguely heard the sound of heavy objects falling. She wanted to go up and see, but she didn't.

She doesn't know what happened, she always feels...

It’s weird, but it’s not up to you.

(End of this chapter)

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