Chapter 3995 Chapter 123

As the game progressed to the middle stage, the number of people surviving on the map quickly dropped to twenty-nine.

That is to say, in addition to the four of them, there are twenty-five players.

Because you are not familiar with the game, you don’t have to go out to kill. It can be said that you are enjoying it.

The other two little brothers and Xiao Yuchen murdered everywhere, and the three men teamed up. In the competition between the two groups, it can be said that the advantage is great.

Yuyou is responsible for searching for a house and a house under their cover. Gradually, the equipment of four people can be said to be very rich.

It’s just a first-aid kit. On average, there are no fewer than ten people. The third-grade packs are loaded with bullets.

Xiao Yuchen asked Youyou to keep sixty rounds of bullets. The rest is more, give him, and his bag, as long as you keep the medicine pack.

In the finals, the real fight is still grenade and first aid kit.

Kneeling, you can eat chicken.

However, what surprised Xiao Xiaochen was that Yu You was not only lucky, but also brought his temperament.

The destiny circle, as the name implies, is that this game will produce something called a safe zone and a poisonous circle.

In fact, it is not called a poison circle. It is an electric field. Standing in this circle, it will continue to have less blood. Only when you enter the safe area can you avoid such damage.

The security zone will slowly shrink, that is, force the players to "harm" each other and eventually produce the final winner.

Yuyou’s face is especially white, especially the European emperor.

Almost every time I brushed the safety zone, it was at his feet.

Bring your own aura, but this aura is too scary.

Xiao Yuchen does not believe in evil, let Yuyou stand in that place and don't move. Youyou hides beside the cupboard, where you are, there is no tampering.

The safety zone was brushed twice, and the result was still at his feet.

The poison circle has become smaller and smaller.

There aren't many players on the field, only a dozen people.

Xiao Yuchen is determined to be unwavering.

Youyou is in the corner.

Outside the door, the two little brothers completely acted as the flower ambassadors, and they kept at the door of the window, and the "bursts" kept on.

Until the end, there were only four people on the field.

Xiao Yuchen looked at Youyou, and Youyou looked at Xiao Yuchen, apparently did not understand his meaning.

"There are still four people left."

Xiao Yuchen secretly said, "Would we like to kill the two little brothers so that we can eat chicken?"

Yuyou’s lips twitched. “Is this not good? After all, people have been protecting us all the way. If they were not, we didn’t play so smoothly. Have you ever thought about crossing the river?”

Xiao Yuchen listened, and he was a little embarrassed.

Originally, he also had some guilty conscience. After all, these two little brothers are really good to him. So kindly two little brothers, he can’t bear the knives behind them.

After a while, the two little brothers also came upstairs.

"Miss sister, there are no other people, we are four people! Say good to bring you chicken, or else, we jumped the poison circle, and then let you eat chicken, how?"

The little brother is obviously self-sacrificing.

They escorted Xiao Yuchen and Youyou all the way. In the end, they even said that they would sacrifice themselves, and they would be able to eat chickens.

Xiao Yuchen’s heart became more and more embarrassing.

"no thanks!"

"You don't have to jump through the poison circle!"

The two little brothers said in the public screen, "We promised to bring you chicken!"

(End of this chapter)

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