Chapter 4003 Chapter 131

Yueyao did not follow, and a serious and authentic, "No... If you don’t wipe it clean, it will stick to it, so it’s so uncomfortable..."

"Ha ha ha!"

Cloud poetry laughs.

Now that Yao Yao has grown up, he has a set of words and he has slowly got his own ideas.

Quite fun.

Yun Shishi looked at this scene with such a smile, and suddenly there was some suffering.

Sometimes, the happier people are, the more afraid they are, the happiness is too short.

She is savvy, no matter who's life, it will not be smooth sailing.

The more happy, the more uneasy.

Therefore, the more uneasy, the more cherished.


After dinner, Yuyou and Xiao Yuchen took a walk with Yueyao.

In the past, Yun Shishi was not very reassured, but after thinking about it, there is Xiao Yuchen, who can protect Yueyao and Youyou.

So, gradually, Yun Shishi also assured that Xiao Yuchen and Youyou took Yueyao to go for a walk.

Yun Shishi is trying to wash the bowl, and the phone suddenly sounds.

She walked over and picked up her mobile phone. She thought it was Mu Yazhe who came over. As a result, she looked at the screen and it was a strange number.

Originally thought to be harassing the phone, I wanted to hang it, but I saw that it was an international number, so she was connected with doubts.

"Is it poetry? I am Alice."

There was a straight door to the door, and Alice’s serious voice came.

Yun Shishi heard the words and nodded. "Yes..."

"It's like this... Generally, every day at this time, Huajin will call me to contact me. Today, I haven't called it yet. I played it. For a long time, no one answered. What happened?"

Yun Shishi listened, and the heart was inexplicably "squeaky".

Alice agreed to hand Natalya to Huajin. The only condition is that Huajin should cooperate with Alice to monitor Natalia.

It is not the meaning of monitoring prisoners.

Rather, Natalya’s second personality, so far, no one knows.

Therefore, Huajin must cooperate with Alice.

Every night, Natalya’s situation is reported to Alice.

However, only today, there is no time to call.

Alice is a bit worried.

"I didn't want to bother you, but the palace is not there. You see, if you are convenient, can you look at what is going on?"

Yun Shishi immediately agreed, "Well, I will go right away."

"Well, pay attention to safety on the road."

Yun Shishi hung up the phone, stood up, and confessed to the nanny, waited until Xiao Yuchen and Youyou came back with Yueyao, and told them that she went out and had a hurried out of the coat.

Not far from the villa of Huajin, twenty minutes, Yunshi poetry arrived, stopped the car, then went to the door and pressed the doorbell.

The villa is equipped with a butler and a babysitter. The butler came over and opened the door. He met Yun Shishi and met her. He respectfully said, "Hello! Excuse me..."

“Is Hua Jin at home?”

"...the young master is at home."

The housekeeper has some doubts. "Is there anything wrong?"

"I want to see him..."

The poetry of Yun Shi rushed past him, and he was going inside.

The butler stopped her, "The young master is still resting."


Yun Shishi is puzzled. "Now it is not at night, he slept so early..."

"It’s not that I slept, it’s been from last night to the present, I haven’t gotten up.”


Yun Shi Shi’s eyes widened. “What!? Still not awake?! Sleeping for a day and night?”


(End of this chapter)

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