Chapter 4013 141

He even thought that if his future, lonely, or even married, then he wants to be a Dink.

He will actively do charity and donate excess property to those who are seriously ill or poor, but will never think of adoption.

Accepting the conditions of the palace is only because of responsibility, and a lot of helplessness.

Not really like Natalia.

"I know that you don't like me very much. Since you don't like me, I won't force you to like me, then please don't be reluctant to like me!"

Natalya said, she smiled and said, "However, I will still get along with you peacefully!"

Said, she turned and walked toward the room.

Hua Jin silently looked at the back of her departure. For a time, there was an inexplicable sense of powerlessness.


"How come? I went to the amusement park that day. I see that your relationship with Natalia has not improved a lot?"


Late at night.

On the balcony, Hua Jin backed against the railing, holding a mobile phone, complaining to Yun Shi poetry.

"I may not really be the talent of my dad. I have tried my best to please her relationship. However, this child is so sensitive, only one look, it denies everything. Only at the age of six or seven, my mind has already been so. Fine and mature!"

Yun Shishi listened and couldn't help but smile. "This is really like Yuyou."

"looks like?"

"You are a child, very sensitive and delicate. How much can he do, even if someone else has a look, he can see that the person likes him or hates him."

"Natalya is like this."

Hua Jin sighed and felt helpless. "I didn't hate her. Just, you know, she appeared too suddenly. I was promoted from a single dog to a newbie dad overnight. Although it is a proxy dad. But the identity has turned too fast, and the mentality has not changed!"

"I can understand this very well!"

Yun Shishi said again, "However, you have to think that you have not experienced the preparatory process, unlike my family, from pregnancy, to pregnancy, to raising a baby, he has been constantly preparing. Man's fatherhood, and Motherhood is actually different. Motherhood is born, perhaps when there are no children, there will be an inexplicable incitement to see other children. And as a man, even some men until the child grows up to five or six years old. Only then can I know what I know as my father. This kind of fatherhood is generally awakened later."

"I want to walk into her." Hua Jin is sincere.

"You want to walk into her because I promised Alice, I want to cooperate with Alice to monitor this child, isn't it?"


"When, you want to walk into her because you really want to be close to your daughter from the perspective of being a father, so that the child will sincerely pay attention to you."

After a pause, Yun Shishi suddenly smiled helplessly. "I think this child is more fragile, sensitive, and even partial. It is very difficult to get along with her and open her heart."


Hua Jin asked for help. "What should I do? I don't want her to guard against me like a wolf. She said she is not a patient, but she doesn't know her physical condition."

"Flower Jin, you may not understand."

(End of this chapter)

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