Chapter 4015 143

Crystal ball?

Is it a light?

Hua Jin took the crystal ball a little bit strangely. He vaguely remembered that he had seen this crystal ball in her room during the day. However, he did not expect it to shine.

Is it a light?

Hua Jin looked for it and did not find the switch of the light source.


How does this crystal ball shine?

The flower Jinguang light fell on this magical crystal ball, and it was discovered that the crystal ball was actually a haunting fog.

The hand gently covered the surface of the ball, and the mist was glued to his palm, separated by a thin crystal sphere, and with his touch, he constantly turned, condensed, and swayed...

what is this? !

He has never seen such a magical crystal ball in reality, the fog inside it seems to have a soul.

He turned his head and looked at Natalya on the bed with some doubts. The latter slept quietly with the quilt and was quiet as if he was not angry.

Hua Jinguang’s eyes fell on the crystal ball, which caused a suspicion.


"Crystal ball?"


Han Jin told Alice about the crystal ball.

Alice did not know why, silence for a long time.

"You said that the crystal ball is purple and there is fog inside."

Hua Jin once again accommodated the crystal sphere.

The breath of Alice was still at rest.

"how is this possible?"

She seems to be muttering to herself.

"what happened?"


Alice said, "There will be no such crystal ball in the world."

"But I really saw it."


Alice is frowning and her tone is dignified. "The crystal ball is generally used for hypnotherapy. It is something that only its own hypnotist will have. can she have it??"

Han Jin did not know why, and slammed it.

He rubbed his eyebrows and stared at the bare walls.

“Is there really a hypnosis in this world?”

Hua Jin is not quite convinced.

In his impression, such a crystal ball exists only in the magical world and is used for divination.

In this reality, is it used for hypnosis?

“Is there really hypnosis in this world?”

Alice is cool and cool, "Would you like me to go out and let you feel?"

Hua Jin is even more surprised. "You will hypnotize??"

Alice is silent.

It seems that Miyazaki did not introduce her origins to Hua Jin.

She is a senior hypnotist, and Hua Jin did not know.

"You don't mind, I can let you feel, what is hypnotism."

"That is fake."

Hua Jin disapproves, "If you are determined, how can you be hypnotized?"

Alice rolled her eyes.

"Or else you thought, how did I wash away the memory of Youyou?"

"But you have not succeeded."

Alice, "..."

"So, it seems that you are not a very successful hypnotist!"

Alice hates to gnash her teeth!

This guy, is it owed? !

"Okay, I know this thing, you pay attention to everything."


Hua Jin is curious, "What should I do with that crystal ball?"

"You don't know about it."

After a pause, Alice was heartily worried. "You are so stupid, I am really worried that the IQ of yours will be crushed by Natalia."

"...enough, not allowed to doubt my IQ."

"You doubt my hypnosis ability, I doubt your IQ, ok, and even."

(End of this chapter)

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