Chapter 4017 145

He also knows that Huajin has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, how tired, how tired, and other factors, as a friend, he still hopes that Huajin can leave the entertainment circle.

Qin Zhou walked to the side of Huajin and raised his eyebrows. "I feel that after this press conference, your Weibo will blow up."

Han Jin, "...I seem to have been able to imagine."

Male artists and female artists are different.

The traffic effect of female artists seems to be less than that of male artists.

After all, the majority of the entertainment-oriented groups are biased towards the female group.

The female group is also the easiest group to be irrational.

If you know the news of the idol retired entertainment circle, the vast majority will definitely collapse.

I don't know why, Hua Jin wants to say goodbye to the entertainment industry, and it seems that he is not leaving.

Qin Zhou suspected that it was released by insiders.

Otherwise, no one outside of the world might know about it.

The news that Hua Jin intends to withdraw from the entertainment circle was soon spread in many fan groups of Huajin.

However, no one wants to believe this.

They are willing to believe in the news of the previous period. Huajin has an illegitimate daughter. Perhaps, she is still invisible, and she is not willing. The flower club will bid farewell to the entertainment circle and withdraw from their horizons.

Idol, also known as love beans.

Sometimes, as a love bean, in many cases, it will become a spiritual sustenance for fans.

There was no spiritual sustenance at once, and it was difficult to get used to it.

The press conference is about to begin.

The media have all come to the table.

Many media have also received news that Huajin may have to withdraw from the entertainment circle, but it is not certain whether this is a clarification of the rumor, or whether it is really necessary to announce the withdrawal from the entertainment industry.

The press conference has begun.

Qin Zhou’s conciseness made a brief opening statement. Immediately afterwards, he announced in public that Huanyu’s artist, Huajin, would leave the entertainment circle for personal reasons.

Huajin stood up and shook a little, and through the lens, expressed regret to the fans, and promised that even if he left the entertainment circle, he would update the content of his life in his personal blog account, and he would participate in charity in the future. In the name of Huajin Fan Support Club.

A reporter stood up and curiously published a question.

“Are you out of the entertainment circle, is it related to the rumors about your illegitimate daughter?”

The scene was awkward.

Hua Jin has a rumor of illegitimate women, many people are no strangers, but no one thought that someone would raise this issue in public.

It was awkward for a while.

Hua Jin is calmly facing.

He honestly said, "I believe many people have seen photos of your media reporters sneak shots. I am here to explain this."

"The girl, not my own, but an orphan adopted by me, but I want to give her a warm home, and at the same time, want to protect her from the outside world."

"I am sorry, this news has brought some negative impacts to the public. However, I also hope that future media reporters must not intervene in my personal life. It doesn't matter if you sneak a shot, the child is innocent, I hope she can Have a good environment for growth, a childhood without interference. In summary."


Hua Jin has withdrawn from the entertainment circle!

This matter was confirmed by the seal of the Universal Exhibition!

Many fans are caught in a crash.

(End of this chapter)

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