Chapter 4027 155

This guy is really awkward.

When I got off the plane, everyone was very tired, and the time difference didn't reverse. So, just staying at the hotel, the four little donkeys were too sleepy.

After Yun Shi’s poems went to bed, they finally had a rare time with Mu Yazhe.

After using the rest of her energy, Mu Yazhe spent a sweet night with her, and the two people fell in love with each other.

In the villa next door, Chu He and Gu Jinglian have incompetent energy.

Chu Hegang just stayed at the hotel, Xiaobao shouted and said sleepy, because according to the domestic time difference, when arriving at the hotel, it was already deep in the middle of the night, so Chu He would sleep Xiaobao.

Lin Xi, able to adapt to such a time difference, so Chu He and Gu Jinglian took Lin Xi and went for a walk on the beach.

Stepping on the fine sand beach and kicking the waves, Chu He took Gu Jinglian's hand and enjoyed a moment of peace.

Since the birth of a pair of dragons and babies, Chu He feels breastfeeding, and is about to be drained by two small scorpions.

The suffering of lactation is not understood by ordinary people.

Even after the lactation period, the child needs someone to accompany him. Every day, he always wakes up in tears and tortures.

I really love and hate these two nephews!

Love is, in the end, a baby, how can you not love your mother?

The hate is that Chu He was deeply abused by these two crying little guys, so hurry to escape for a while to avoid difficulties!

Now, finally, the roots are clean, even though it is fake, it is more relaxed than ever!

Gu Jinglian also hurts her.

He knew that she had been busy for a long time after breastfeeding and was busy with four children.

He looked in his eyes and felt very distressed.

So, put the honeymoon on the agenda, in order to let her relax for a while.

After being unable to marry, for the sake of the child, the cart before the horse is turned upside down, but the meaning of the marriage is wrong.

In addition to family, marriage is more about the relationship between husband and wife.

During that time, he was busy with the company and rarely accompanied her, so he thought, through the opportunity of the honeymoon, to warm up the feelings between the two people.

He thought that the plane was landing, she should feel sleepy.

However, it is wrong.

Who is Chu?

The predecessor was the Interpol anti-black inspector, and his physical quality was even more refined than many men.

Gu Jinglian is not tired, Chu He also ridicule him, so it is a man of old age, so it can be a time difference.

At this point, Gu Jinglian was a little unhappy.

What is an old man!

He is still very young and good! ?

Gu Jinglian was somewhat unhappy, so she was attached to her ear and said, "Do you dare to doubt my physical fitness? See how I can clean you up tonight!"

Chu He listened, his face was slightly red, but he reluctantly laughed. "I am just a few jokes. You are still serious? Are you a child?"

"Yes, I am naive, not saved."

Chu He listened and took him helplessly. When he laughed, Gu Jinglian came over and gently held her hand.

"Do you like it here?"

Gu Jinglian’s voice became gentle.

Chu He said sincerely, "Like, very quiet, blowing the sea breeze, but I can feel the heart is quiet."

"Then, we can come often in the future."

“Would it be too extravagant?”

(End of this chapter)

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