Chapter 4039 167

Natalya stood beside Hua Jin, and she watched as he watched his roasting oysters, clearly distinct, but still pretending to be reserved.

Somehow, she vaguely realized that someone was watching him.

Natalya’s sixth sense of life is extremely sharp.

She turned her head in amazement, but she saw Lin Xi's gaze on her. She twisted her eyebrows and opened her mouth, but she stopped talking.

Around her, Hua Jin saw her absent-minded, but she saw that she was looking at another place, so she followed her eyes.

Seeing Lin Xi constantly looking in this direction.

Hua Jin’s lips were pumped.

"He has been staring at me forever!"

Natalya felt that she was not fit, and she held her shoulder slightly, feeling that she was constantly staring at it, feeling strange!

Hua Jin couldn't help but tease her. "Because we Natalya looks good, I want boys to like it!"

"I don't want him to like it!"

Natalia was awkwardly hiding behind Hua Jin.

at the same time.

On the side of Yuyou, I also noticed Lin Xi’s extremely long gaze on Natalia.

He frowned slightly, could not help but feel a little unhappy, put down the material in his hand, went to Lin Xi's side, deliberately, but did not seriously hit his shoulder to the side.

Lin Xi came back to God, and some unexpectedly looked at the blessings that did not know when he appeared behind him.

"How... what?"

"What are you doing?"

You You gaze for a moment and gestured to the scallop in his hand.

"Is your scallops ready to be baked?"


Gu Linxi quickly lowered his head and looked at the scallop in his hand. It was true, because it was not taken care of for too long, so there was already a little scorching smell.

"Oh, bad!"

Gu Linxi quickly clipped the scallops to the side with a clip, and some were lonely.

Oh, it’s baked again.

I don't remember that this is the first one, it should be the third one.

Scallops are really hard to bake.

It’s easy to see others baking, but it’s not easy to bake yourself.

"It's baked again."

Cloud poetry came over, and some laughed and shook. "How can it be baked?"

Waiting for Gu Linxi to open, you will be cool and cool, "because you are in a daze!"


Yun Shishi’s poems laughed. “If you are in a daze, it’s easy to bake.”

"Know, I will pay attention next time."

Gu Linxi explained, "I just went away, didn't pay attention, so..."

"It's okay, there are a lot of oysters and scallops here. Remember, you can't eat the baked food, it will diarrhea."


Yun Shishi went to the side to see how Xiao Xiaochen was roasting.

After Yun Shishi left, Gu Linxi looked at the blessings with some surprises. He always felt that this guy had a kind of inexplicable hostility in his eyes.


Gu Linxi hesitated, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing."

Yu You is obviously not enthusiastic about him. It can be said to be very cold. He turned and fled away.

Gu Linxi looked inexplicably.

Fang Caiyou hit him, he always felt intentional.

But why do you want to hit him inexplicably?

Gu Linxi is puzzling.

All of this is reflected in the eyes of Hua Jin.


Bless this guy, it will not be jealous, right?

Moreover, the means of jealousy is still somewhat cute!

Hua Jin is inexplicably a sense of accomplishment!

Because Natalya is his daughter!

(End of this chapter)

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