Chapter 4054 182

Body surface fever, as the name suggests, is measured according to the body surface, measuring the forehead or the temperature of the armpit, which is definitely above the normal value, but the temperature of the tongue is within the normal range.

Therefore, fever on the body surface is definitely an abnormal phenomenon.

This temperature is simply not normal.

In other words, her physiological temperature is absolutely no problem.

Body surface fever, mainly qi and blood deficiency, blood metabolism caused by insufficient blood loss, low temperature makes the blood vessels contract, blood return capacity is weak, blood circulation is not smooth.

At the same time, it may be because the blood circulation of the blood vessels in the brain is not smooth, and it is suspected that it is excessive fatigue or the phenomenon of fire caused by excessive toxins in the body.

In other words, poor sleep quality is the main reason.

did not sleep well?

Hua Jindao, "I lied to her that the crystal ball was lost. It can be seen that her mood is very low. When she is usually sleeping, she also sleeps with a crystal ball. Therefore, I suspect that this crystal ball is absolutely problematic. ""

Because of doubts about the crystal ball, Hua Jin wanted to hand this crystal ball to Alice.

Alice took the crystal ball and observed it and came to a conclusion.

"I guess this crystal ball may be the main cause of her fever."


"This is probably just a guess for me, but I think that if there are no surprises, this guess is enough."

"What do you mean?"

"You said that she usually sleeps with a crystal ball, but these days, you hid the crystal ball and never gave it to her, right?"

Hua Jin nodded.

"So, I guess, probably another personality has caused a psychological hint to the owner. This psychological suggestion is guided by the crystal ball. The crystal ball is an important prop of hypnotism, then, maybe, Nata Lia’s protagonist must have been controlled by the second personality, and the second personality controls her, which is the use of this crystal ball.”

Hua Jin listened, could not help but **** a cold breath, thinking carefully.

He was so fascinated that he had a memory vacancy some time ago.

Originally, he did not find any abnormalities. He thought that he must be too tired. Perhaps it was accompanied by the growth of age, and the memory was not necessarily bad.

However, he later thought about it carefully. His memory has always been very good, especially in the back script. He always has a very fast back and is very strong.

Until later, he discovered the crystal ball in Natalya's room, and he began to wonder if he was hypnotized by the crystal ball.

I don't know why, he can vaguely see the shadow of another Natalya in Natalya.

Sometimes, he suddenly feels that Natalya is somewhat strange and familiar.

I always feel that I have seen it before, but I can’t remember it.

Just like amnesia.

Alice suddenly came to a conclusion, "I guess, before that, Natalya's other personality came out, but that personality, maybe hypnotized, and hypnotized, hypnotized you, Washed away your short memory."


Yun Shishi listened and immediately asked nervously, "What are the symptoms after hypnosis?"

"Some people will faint, some people will feel very sleepy, want to sleep, and sleep very hard, how can they sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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