Chapter 4059 187

"Oh... what it is."

After saying this, Hua Jin also feels that, indeed, Gong Mi is nothing terrible.

Although his identity, for ordinary people, it is somewhat horrifying, but if it is familiar, it will not be so terrible and fearful.

But... I don't know why, obviously how to imply that I am a normal person, there is no need to be particularly afraid of him.

However, whenever the palace is standing in front of him, the invisible gas field seems to be smashing his flesh and blood.

People with strong gas fields, even if they don’t have any expression on their faces, are still not angry.

However, I don’t know why, Hua Jin’s inexplicable thoughts on the palace have a bit of a gossip.

"Do you grow up with him?"

"Oh... that's okay! When I met him, he was still a fledgling boy. However, after so many years in the hurricane, I also listened to his father's mouth more or less than what he was when he was a child."

Yun Shishi also came to interest.

She and the palace have been separated since childhood, and after a few years, they have not reunited for a long time. Therefore, she is also very interested in the things that the palace is young.

"What was the palace when he was a child?"

Alice rubbed her eyes, frowned slightly, and pondered for a long time, and did not know where to start.

"What should I say?"

Yun Shishi gave her a little thought. "When did Xiao Xiao return to the palace?"

Alice groaned and hesitated for a long time, and said, "I deeply remember that the master mentioned that when Gong Gong just returned to the palace, it was because of an accident. I think that accident, poetry, you should I know. Because of a car accident, when the master brought back the palace, it seems that he lost the memory of that period. He only remembers that he has a sister. According to him, other memories are already blurred."

When I was young, I returned to the palace because I lost my mother and my sister in a car accident.

However, that accident was like a dream for the palace.

He returned to the palace, the little guy, but he didn't know how to cry, he didn't know how to make noises, but he didn't think about tea.

Until later, the long-term hunger strike, and even poor nutrition, began to drip.

Later, I didn’t know what Gong Shaoying and Gong Yu said. Two people were in the study one afternoon, Gong Shaoying took a bottle of whiskey and gave it to the little guy.

At that time, the followers were frightened.

Gong Yi is a very expensive little son. This palace has even given a drink to such a small child. At that time, there was no shortage of people to stop it.

However, Gong Shaoying’s face was there, and no one could stop it.

I only know that on that day, Gong Dai drank the wine and drunk, he was drunk, but he was not noisy, no trouble, so he sat so reluctantly on the sofa, his eyes were red, his tears fell on the carpet. On, wet the eyelashes.

Drinking a little more, he cried even more fierce, sobbing for Mommy, to sister.

Gong Shaoying had to tell him a cruel fact.

My mother is dead, my sister is dead...

All of a sudden, it is like opening a sluice, flooding, flooding into disaster.

The little guy cried for a whole night, and started to have a high fever the next day, almost infected with pneumonia.

Until the high fever faded, he finally woke up from the shackles, but his temperament changed.

He didn't like to laugh, and he didn't easily fall into tears.

As if there is nothing and people, you can easily kill him!

(End of this chapter)

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