Chapter 4061 189

He regarded Yun Shishi as a sister and sister, and there was no mess.

Therefore, he does not understand very well, those men, why have a special obsession with women.

He feels that he can be a good person.

Yun Shishi also agrees with Alice's statement.

"Hua Jin, you think, you don't know men, most men, for women, if they don't have feelings, they can sleep together, not like women."

“Hey, is this the so-called physiological need?”

"You can understand this."

Yun Shi Shi said again, "There are people who have seven passions and desires, and they are not gods, nor saints. So, how can they be clear-minded?"

Han Jin’s face is redder.

Yun Shishi did not pay attention, but Alice noticed it. She felt a little strange in her heart. I don’t know how this red flower inexplicable face is so red?

She didn't think much.

"In any case, Gong Yi has been obsessed with work for a long time. At that time, he was not hesitant to go in a war-torn zone like Africa. He was young and frivolous. No one should go there. He did not hesitate. He always laughed at me. Work madness, but at work, his harshness is far more pervert than I am. Moreover, he is very overbearing and paranoid. Once he has identified one thing, he will never allow anyone to overthrow, even the lord. No."

"I feel that Xiaoxiao is not very overbearing!"

Yun Shishi is somewhat puzzled. "No matter what, what I say, he will listen to me."

"That's because for the palace, you are definitely the most special one."

"When he has a girlfriend, I may not be the most special one!"

Alice listened, and suddenly smiled, her eyes showing envy.

"Do you know? I especially envy you."

She sincerely said a word.

Yun Shishi listened, but it was a bit puzzled. "Why? What do I have to envy? I still envy you, achievement, and so young, but already have such high achievements."

Alice couldn't help but sketch a bitter bit of curvature.

In fact, how strong at work, in the final analysis, Alice is a woman after all.

Once, I also yearn for love, longing for a family, she envied Yun Shi poetry, because whether it is Mu Yazhe, or two sons, friends around, even the palace is so incomparable, the sly man will take her Beloved as a princess.

She has turned herself into a strong woman.

The poetry of Yunshi is a princess who has survived.

Which woman to ask, who does not want to?

I don’t want to, but it’s because I can’t get it.

People are different.

Yun Shishi may not be strong in character, nor is it a kind of woman who can be a single woman, but because of this, everyone is willing to see her as a princess.

She has a trait, even if she is, she can't help but want to treat it.

Probably there is a kind of noble in the bones!

It's just this noble temperament, but it's very gentle. No matter who she is, she can get along very well.

No corners, gentle as water.

Even if Chu He is born with less roots, he likes Yun Shi poetry.

Alice longs for a family, but the keyword family is too far away for her.

Until now, this dream, she did not dare to look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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