Chapter 4076, Chapter 204

Hua Jin carefully took Natalissa to the car and went home early.

Alice finally walked upstairs. Youyou saw her and immediately stood up and said nothing. "I also noticed that Natalya’s second personality is called Natalissa, right. What?"

"Well, I remember I mentioned this name with you."

“She seems to be able to make a chance to be alone with me today.”

Youyou frowned. "What is going on? Are you finally finding out where she is not right?"

Alice honestly said, "There are not many clues today. I am worried that Natalya’s second personality is too savvy. I will see that I am observing her sooner or later. In this way, if she improves her defense, I am very It’s hard to observe her other tricks."

"Then you are sure that the disappearance of Gong Fan is related to her?"

Alice heard the words, took a deep breath and sighed. "Sorry, I am not sure, I am just skeptical, but I think the possibility of being related to her is very high, so I hope that you will be alert." So as not to repeat the same mistakes."

Yun Shishi listened, and could not help but feel helpless.

Youyou lifted his head and looked at the eyes of Yun Shi’s poetry. He turned and said to Alice. "How do you know the situation of Gong Fan?"

Alice groaned, "What do you mean?"

"You know, Gong Fan has disappeared for too long. Is it really disappearing, or is it because of Natalissa? What danger is there? I want to ask you to help me and find him."

Alice listened and was a little surprised.

She was half joking, half-heartedly, "Isn't it a good news for you to disappear from Miyavan?"

Youyou heard the words, and for a long time, he bowed his head and his voice was low. If it was a mosquito, "I used to think that if Gong Gong suddenly fell between hours, there was no trace, no sound, for me, It should be a happy thing. At least, his departure did not accompany too much pain, but now, I don’t think so."


Alice didn't know if she should ask, but she still wanted to know more about how to feel.

Youyou candidly said, "Whether it is him or me, we are all part of this life composition, missing him, I am not me, missing me, he is not him. We are the name, the composition of this miracle, I can't lose him, Mommy can't lose him, Yueyao can't lose him, Xiao Yuchen can't lose him. He is so important, why disappeared disappeared! Before, he still felt that he occupied my body, taking up time It’s too long, so I can’t have more time to get along with Mommy. Now, if he can hear it, I want to say that he is coming back, I am willing to sacrifice more time, if he wants, I can let mom Every night, Mimi told him about bedtime stories and sang to him..."

Youyou said, tears did not know that I fell.

Yun Shishi met, but his heart was like a knife, and he embraced him with distress.

"Yousuke, don't be sad..."

"How can I not be sad?"

Youyou endured the sadness. "He didn't say goodbye, he left without saying goodbye. No one knows where to go. I always read his name every night before going to sleep, but he doesn't seem to hear it."

(End of this chapter)

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