Chapter 4090 218

Xiao Yuchen wants to say that he still took a look at him, and he thought silently, isn’t it?

Anyway, he believes that his status in this family is relatively low, Emmm, who is being bullied, can only be wrongly wronged, in addition to the squatting, can lift the bar.

Whether it is Yun Shi Shi and You You, or Yue Yao, Lisa...

Because he is the man who is second only to the land at home, as a man who is the second child in the family, he certainly has to be a little more generous.

Especially Yu You and Yue Yao, he must give more.

I don't know why, I saw Xiao Wuchen's innocent sight, and Youyou actually broke through some work. "噗嗤" laughed out.

"Brother, do I always bully you, I feel that you have become a gas bag."

As soon as Xiao Yuchen heard it, the eyelids jumped and Blessed suddenly became a gentle tone, which made him unable to turn over at some time.


"Okay, I don't bully you. After the province is saved, you always feel that my brother is always bullying you as a brother."

Xiao Yuchen licked his lips and was old-fashioned. "Whoever made me your brother? And, when I was in Mommy’s stomach, I would take care of you. When you were born, your body would be bad..."

The more he said, the lower the sound.

Other people may not be able to understand the feelings of Xiao Yuchen.

He vaguely realized that the poor body of Yu You may be related to him.

In the belly of Yun Shishi, he must be the most overbearing one, and the brothers of his compatriots grab the nutrition. Therefore, he has a kind of embarrassment that can't be said about Yuyou.

If it weren't for him, Yuyou might be very healthy!

At the very least, there won't be a childhood that was spent all day in the hospital.

He can also go out to fly kites and play with other friends every day, just like other children.

I don’t have to look at it like this.

Xiao Yuchen suddenly recalled, "I remember that I played a horror game before. The protagonist in the game is a pair of twin sisters."

"The twin sisters?"


"In many ancient folk customs in many countries, in fact, the first child born in the twins is considered to be a younger brother or a younger sister, and the last born is the brother or sister."

"Oh? Why is that said?"

Xiao Yuchen said, "I have read a report saying that medicine believes that the first one born in a twin should be a younger brother or a younger sister. Because the baby born after the baby is on the uterus, it proves that it develops earlier. The favorable position in the uterus causes the baby to develop closer to the cervix and will be born first."


Youyou listened and couldn't help but feel a little bit interesting.

"That, according to this logic, I should be my brother!" Youyou stunned his chin, and he got a conclusion.

"In that game, it is also the setting. The one born first is small, and the one born after is the brother and sister."

"No wonder I am more mature than you."

The game played by Xiao Yuchen is called Zero Red Butterfly.

There is an ancient village in the game. The village is located in the village of Huangquan. In order to live in the [virtual] of the entrance of Huangquan, the ceremony of giving the twins as a red dragonfly is the red gong festival.

When the power of stagnation is weakening, you must dedicate a red dragonfly. Otherwise, when the false grievances break out, it will lead to [cracking] and destroy the village.

(End of this chapter)

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