Chapter 4097 225

"Mummy, I was yesterday..."

Xiao Yuchen brewed for a long time in his heart, and did not know how to tell the story of the dream to Yun Shishi.

First, I am afraid that she is worried. Secondly, she is afraid of such unrealistic dreams and will give her psychological hints.

He always doubts...

Everything in the dream must be related to Gong Fan.

Could it be that Gong Fan is really trying to invade the body of Zhan Youyou, so that will have this dream.

The reason why he did this dream is because he and Yu You have a telepathic induction, so he will have this dream.

Xiao Yuchen is worried.

However, does Gong Fan really do this?

In order to invade the body of Zhan, you will not hesitate to hurt you.

Whether it is him or Yun Shi poetry, for him, all have a welcome and acceptance attitude, the family get along very well, even the blessing, are very tolerant to Gong Fan.

How could he do something that hurts and blesses?

Xiao Yuchen can't believe it.

On the table.

Yun Shishi will be ready to go to the table early, Xiao Xiaochen and Gong Fan sat at the table and sat face to face.

Xiao Yuchen looked at Gong Fan for breakfast and hesitated.

He has a lot of words to ask Gong Fan, but he is worried that Gong Fan is really as cruel and filthy as in his dreams. He asks, but he is amazed.

Xiao Yuchen turned to surprise and found that since the dream woke up, he seemed to have more guard against Gong Fan.

He seems to be guarding him!

This is the precaution in the subconscious, not at all his deliberate.

Gong Fan took a bite of bread and saw Xiao Xiaochen’s apparently heavy feelings. He couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. “What?”

"Oh...oh, nothing!"

Xiao Yuchen shook his head and picked up two pieces of bread. He applied a layer of blueberry sauce to his mouth and put it in his mouth absently.

"You don't seem to sleep well."

Gong Fan’s unintentional words made Xiao Xiaochen’s heart sigh.

"No... no."

"But I feel that you are in poor spirit."

It is not a deliberate concern. Although Mong Fan’s tone is not so hot, he can hear it, he cares.

He saw Xiao Xiaochen's face a little bad. He always felt that he didn't have a good rest today. He looked a little tired and angry, and it also got worse.

Xiao Yuchen touched his cheek and succumbed to the grass. "It may be because of a nightmare..."

"A nightmare?"

Gong Fan did not agree.

Xiao Yuchen is so big, can you do what nightmare?

"Floor into a box?"

Xiao Yuchen, "...I haven't played chicken recently."

"I remember, you are like a poison in this game. For a while, you eat chicken during the day, eat chicken at night, and eat chicken in your dreams."

Gong Fanton paused and took a sip of milk. He said, "Did you dream of being chased by a pan?"


Gong Fan actually had this leisurely and elegant joke.

Xiao Yuchen’s mood has also been relaxed, thinking that the dream is only a dream, he does not have to go online, from a dream, to other aspects!

Yu You is his younger brother. Similarly, Gong Fan is also his younger brother. How can he not trust Gong Fan and suspect that he wants to hurt Yu You?

But it’s a dream...

Xiao Yuchen constantly deliberately ignores everything in his dreams.

He kept comforting himself and drank the milk from the cup, and his mood finally stretched a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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