Chapter 410 Slight Concussion

Hospital, doctor's office.

Song Enya sat in front of the doctor with anxiety. The doctor looked at her and looked at the man standing behind her with a cold and low pressure. He said slowly: "The child's head is soft tissue contusion, a slight concussion, The wound has been sterilized, and it can't be stained in recent days. Don't be spicy..."

"Needle?" Song Enya was shocked and couldn't help but interrupt his words.

"The needle, how can I not stitch, the wound is a bit deep, it is estimated that the child fell down the stairs, kneeling on the corner." The doctor pushed the glasses, the tone is more respectful.

If you change to other patients, so interrupted him repeatedly, I am afraid that I am impatient.

But this woman, he knows what identity, so regardless of offending, the attitude is 120,000 points of politeness, careful.

Song Enya’s face was stunned: “Is the wound so deep? Concussion!? So serious?”

The doctor patiently explained: "Slight concussion is not particularly serious. Generally, it does not require special treatment. It will slowly recover after a proper rest!"

"What effect does it have on the brain? It is a sequela..."

"No." The doctor rolled his eyes in his heart. How serious is this woman. It is a medical blind.

Song Enya also asked a lot of questions, nothing more than asking Song Enxi where the needles of the head of the head will not stay.

The answer is that staying in the inevitable is a must. The place where the needle is stitched is difficult to grow in the future, but fortunately, the wound is not too big, but it is a three-needle, thumb-sized place, girl. With more hair, it will be covered.

The mind of Mu Yazhe is completely out of Song Enxi.

In fact, he is very familiar with Xiao Yanchen's temper. Song Enxi has always said that Xiao Yuchen has overthrown her, even swearing and bullying her.

But in fact, he is not present, so for the situation on the spot, only one or two can be known from the child's mouth.

However, the only thing he can decide in his heart is that Xiao Chenchen could not make such a bad act.

His personality is relatively mature compared to children of the same age. Therefore, it is rarely naive to play with children of the same age.

Therefore, he is even less likely to take the initiative to bully a child, even such a bad behavior.

It was just that the situation was chaotic. He didn’t have any time to understand the passing of the incident. It’s just the cry of Song Enxi’s, which is enough to make him a headache!

At that time, the situation was urgent. The only thing he could do was to send the child to the hospital as soon as possible. That is all.

Afterwards, he analyzed that it was about the contradiction between Song Enxi and Xiao Yuchen. For the time being, no matter who is the first contradiction, Song Enxi must first bite Xiao Xiaochen, in a hurry, Xiao Yuchen will She pushed away.

Xiao Yuchen is a well-balanced child. He warned him not to use force to bully other children.

He has always been strict with himself and he has done a good job.

It may be that Song Enxi was pushed a little, and his feet were knocked down by the steps before he fell.

That's probably the way it is.

He is so conjectured.

As a father, of course he chooses to believe in his own children, not to mention, for Song Enxi, his love is just a scene of effort, Xiao Xiaochen is his son, does not hurt him, who hurts?

He didn't want to give Xiao Xiaochen an unforgettable and happy birthday.

Huahua: Do not explain, poetry poetry immediately come to see! Mu Yazhe: ...! ? Huahua: I want to abuse Yazhe and rush to vote for the moon~~~

(End of this chapter)

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