Chapter 4105, 233

Natalissa, like a demon living in my heart.

This sentence, I do not know why, let Hua Jin deeply feel chilling.


"What did she say?"

In the study, Alice played with a pen, and Jin Jin looked thoughtfully across her, outside the window, it was already dead at night.

Natalya has fallen asleep.

After Alice returned home, Han Jin had nothing to do with it, and told Alice all this.

Alice was surprised to hear it.

"Wait a minute, my head is a little messy."

Alice stunned her eyebrows and decided to put these clues together in tandem and reorganize her thoughts.

Han Jin sat quietly on the side, did not speak, afraid to interrupt her thoughts.

"I can't understand that."

Alice seriously said, "Nata Lisa controls Natalia through the crystal ball. She can even decide when she will dominate the body. When can Nata Lisa dominate the body?"

"I think so too. But, then, what is the purpose of Natalissa?"

As Hua Jin said, Alice can't figure it out.

She has been thinking about what Nata Lisa is and what motives she has been trying to figure out.

Hua Jin opened his mouth and tried to stop, but he did not dare to say.

Alice noticed that he had something to say, so he encouraged to say, "What do you think?"

"I think my thoughts may be ridiculous. I am afraid to say it, you will laugh."

"Even if it is an authoritative science, there are many absurd possibilities. In real life, there are too many absurd things. You may wish to talk about it, perhaps, it is also an important idea."

"You don't think that Professor Romanka is so easy to allow us to adopt Natalya. This is suspicious in itself?"

Alice listened, and suddenly she groaned and her head flashed with white light.

"what do you mean?"

"Since Professor Romanka has created Natalissa, is he also capable of dictating this personality, perhaps, in terms of relationship, Natalissa identifies him as the role of father, or... is the master?"

Alice twisted her eyebrows and flashed a flash of light.

"You are talking about this, but it is the point!"

"So, since there is such a possibility, Natalissa's motives can be considered as the motivation of Romanka, and he instructed Natalissa to do all this."

"Not without this possibility!"

Alice licked her temples, and Huajin’s words undoubtedly opened her more ideas.


Han Jin was encouraged and finally bravely said his suspicions. "What is the motivation of Professor Romanka to make Natalissa? You should be clearer than me. I have checked about him before. Academic research has taken some thoughts, but I also learned that Professor Romanka has always hoped to achieve the goal of controlling multiple personality patients by creating a personality society?"

Alice pondered for a moment, suddenly said, "Professor Romanka's so-called personality society is to create a personality to play the role of 'sanctioners'."


Alice sighed. "Well. That is, this sanctioner has a leadership position that is recognized by all personalities, and has sufficient authority to dominate the life and death of all personalities."

Hua Jin listened, and suddenly felt creepy and confused.

(End of this chapter)

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