Chapter 4152 281

Gong Fan ridiculed his lips. "My existence is a mistake in itself. Since it is a mistake, I should let this error end soon, better..."

When he finished, he was unable to covet.

He worked hard and struggled, letting go of pride and pleading for perfection.

He carefully changed, abandoned his pride, went to the palace to like, to admire the likes of Yazhe, to discuss the love of Huajin, in order to let everyone like him like you.

He ignored his weak dignity, just to give everyone a reason to retain him.

He curled up in such a body, and he continued to linger, for example, even if he looked at it for a day, he took a look and wanted to exist in this world.

However, he gave up.

He really gave up...

Alice has no choice but to help. "You want me to be completely unhealthy. In this case, your mommy will never forgive me. I am a scorpion and kill her most beloved."

Gong Fan died and gritted his teeth.

He never showed such a fragile side in front of anyone.

Only in front of Alice, it is finally difficult to contain the sadness and loss of the bottom of my heart.

Alice knows that whether it is Gong Gong, Mu Yazhe or Xiao Yuchen, Gong Fan too cares about them, so she never wants to reveal such a face in front of them.

Instead, she, an outsider, can instead put a burden on him.

She walked over with distress, gently holding his shoulders and stroking his shoulders because of forbearance and tremors.

"If you want to cry, it’s fine to cry out. It’s always so hard, the body of steel can’t stand it.”

Gong Fan did not speak, however, Alice faintly heard a few crying, squeezed out of the gap in the teeth.

The more he is so tolerant, the more distressed Alice is, but fortunately, Yun Shishi is not here, otherwise, it will be completely heartbroken because of this guy!

In the end, Mong Fan did not cry a lot.

He smothered Alice's clothes and slammed it down.

"Promise me..."

He sighed. "I don't want to be a drag on Yuyou. I disappeared. It would be better for anyone."

Alice looked at her lips intricately and finally nodded her head.

"It seems that I have to be a poison woman again?"


"What? You want to take Miyavan?"

Miyazaki stood in front of Alice and thought that she would not want to refuse.


He is determined to be "I will not let you take him away."

"Please, you have to figure out one thing, not that I want to take him away, that he wants to follow me."

Gong Yi, "..."

"I don't care, you just want to convince your nephew yourself! Moreover, with his current situation, what good is it to stay with you? This is like a cancer patient, with a good authority hospital is not loose, partial To stay at home. Is it useful? Do you think that leaving him with him is the best protection for him?"

Alice’s sharp words, the palace is actually speechless.

"Since everything has happened, let me bring him back to the hurricane. Moreover, Gong Fan wants to go back with me. Is it difficult, you worry that I will throw him to the sea halfway? I am not a savage beast, I am It’s a doctor, huh? You still don’t trust me.”

(End of this chapter)

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