Chapter 4170, 299

Now, suddenly recurring, Lisa suddenly became helpless.

"How could this be?"

Gong Fan leaned on the sofa, his body curled up, his breathing became more and more urgent, his breathing was too fast, his shoulders were shuddering, and Lisa looked distressed, but did not know what to do?

"How to do?"

Lisa immediately rummaged through the cabinet and began to find a paper bag.

Gong Fanguang is maintaining the balance of breathing and exhausting everything.

Lisa couldn't find a paper bag when she came to find it, but she was still calm and rushed to Alice's room and tried to shoot the door.

"Alice, Gong Fan is sick, wake up!"

Alice didn't sleep too hard. She was awakened at once and rushed out of the room before she walked to the door, but heard the rapid breathing from the sofa.

She suddenly realized that she was not good. She turned back to the room and immediately pulled out the paper bag from her bag.

Because of the body of the palace, the paper bag is basically prepared anytime, anywhere. Although the body of Youyou has been very stable, Alice is always ready for these necessities just in case.

She took the paper bag and walked over to Gong Fan’s side, stuffing the paper bag into his hand.

"Catch him, know how I taught you?"

Gong Fan trembled and grabbed the paper bag and pointed his mouth at the nose and mouth.

Over breathing syndrome.

Patients may become slower and shallower due to excessive tension, anxiety, fever, crying, etc., causing respiratory alkalosis, which is hypocapnia caused by excessive carbon dioxide excretion.

Can be expressed as dizziness, hands and feet and numbness around the mouth.

By using a paper bag, it is considered that a dead space of the respiratory tract is formed, which helps to restore the concentration of carbon dioxide, which is a simple and effective method.

With the aid of Alice, Gong Fan used paper bags to try to adjust his breathing.

"Deep breathing..."

Gong Fan took a deep breath and the paper bag quickly tightened with the loss of air.

"Breath, call out..."

Gong Fan also spit out his mouth and nose slowly.

Breathing too fast, cooling down step by step.

Gong Fan tightened his mouth and breathed more and more slowly.

Alice took a sigh of relief.

Lisa asked strangely. "Why, he will suddenly become ill again? I thought that his respiratory syndrome should have been completely cured."

"The vast majority of this condition is caused by mental and psychological problems, and his lungs and heart are not as healthy as ordinary people, so it is easy to relapse. Any cause may be induced, absolutely not completely Healed such a statement."

Lisa seemed to understand and nodded. "That, I must pay more attention in the future. It is better to prepare these things at any time."


"What if there is no paper bag?"

Alice raised her eyebrows and replied, "I have not said before. If it is serious, it may cause shock."

Lisa suddenly shuddered.

It is no wonder that she saw Yun Shishi's usual bag, even cosmetics and makeup powder are not taken, but definitely will be ready to wear a few paper bags at any time, it is the reason.

She also felt that Yun Shi's poems were too cautious, but I don't know. At these fine details, Yun Shi's poetry cares about Gong Fan and is subtle.

"Gong Fan, what do you think, is there any better?"

(End of this chapter)

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