Chapter 4192, 321

That evening, Alice brought Yuyou into the lab and waited for the arrival of Romanka.

Sitting in the lab, Yu You is obviously a little uneasy.

He repeatedly confirmed, "In this hypnosis, I can see Gong Fan, right?"


Yuyou suddenly got a little nervous.

Before that, he learned through Alice that his body is still home to other personalities, which means that the chances of encountering other personalities in this dream will be high.

In other words, he may meet other personalities before meeting Gong Fan.

"Can you be sure that the people I saw under the hypnosis and in my dreams are all my other personalities?"


"Then, if that personality is consistent with others, how can I tell?"

The reason why he asked this is because Gong Fan wrote in the diary book. In the dream, he dreamed that the person who looked exactly the same as You You would chase him.

Gong Fan suspected that this person was a blessing, but he knew that there might be other personalities living in this body.

Perhaps this personality that is exactly the same as Youyou is not necessarily for others.

Youyou suspects that his body is home to two personalities that look exactly like them.

The appearance of multiple personalities may be the same, but the odds are different.

For example, there is a patient who lives in a dozen or so personalities, but these personalities are different. There are blonde girls, middle-aged uncles, and even FBI police detectives, each playing a different role.

Alice has some headaches.

"Youyou, your condition is more complicated, so I can't assert that in this hypnosis, who you will meet, but it is right to be vigilant."

"Why do you say that?"

Alice’s face is heavy and heavy. “Because, in a dream, other personalities, besides you, if they are fatally hurt, they will disappear completely.”


You You soon understood what she meant, and I was not chilling.

He did not think that this experiment would have such a risk, he was a little scared.

"What do you mean? If someone kills Gong Fan in my dream, then his personality will really disappear completely...?"


"what about me?"

"You won't go away! You must always remember this!" Alice suddenly excited.

Yu You was shocked by her nervous look.

"First of all, you have to remember that you are the master, in your dreams, no matter what attacks you encounter, you will never disappear, never die! No matter what harm you suffer, even if it is true, but you also Can't believe it, otherwise..."

"What will happen otherwise?"

"Otherwise you will never wake up, let other people occupy your body."

You can't help but **** a cold breath.

"If you believe that you are dead, your personality will be as before, the subconscious mind will be dead for you, so that you will fall into a deep sleep. At that time, if you and Gong Fan are both unpredictable, then other bad personality occupies Your body, you want to enter hypnosis, and dig your personality, it is difficult to go to heaven. So, one thing you must understand, no matter how fatal you suffer, you - you are not the same as Gong Fan, you will never dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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