Chapter 4197 326

The girl said, looked up and looked at him suspiciously.

"Who are you? I have never seen you before."


You You didn’t know how to explain it. He immediately turned around and asked, “Are you alone? Is there no other family member?”


He didn't think too much, and he didn't even notice the meaning of Yuyou's transfer of the topic. He replied along with his question, "I have a younger sister, yelling."


"Yeah. But... my sister always bullies me, so... I am a little afraid of her. If you see her, don't need to tell her that I am here, I don't want to see her."


"That is, in the memory of childhood, those people of all kinds will become the shadow of those personalities in his body?"

Alice touched her nose gently and came to this conclusion.

Professor Romanka nodded. "It almost means that."

After Yuyou fell asleep, Romanka put on his brain monitor and tested the signs of the dream.

Moreover, it is also possible to monitor the emerging personality.

Through the test, Alice found that the frequency of brain waves of Youyou was accelerated, sometimes slow, sometimes calm, and sometimes undulating...

The undulations are fierce, which represents fear.

Alice didn't know what Yuyou had seen in her dreams, so that there would be such strong emotional fluctuations.

She sighed. "How good if I can enter his dreams?"

"If you interfere at this time, then you may be mad."


Alice thought it was incredible. "Is there any scientific basis?"

"For example, the spiritual power of Yuyou is like a well-ordered expressway, and different personalities are like galloping vehicles on the highway. If you interfere, then when the vehicle reverses. What happens on other highways?"


"The destruction of the mental state leads to disorder, so the consequences will be unimaginable. Of course, not everyone will, but just in case, it is not recommended to interfere with him."


Roman card is easy to understand, so she can easily understand what he means.

Alice sat down on a chair not far from Yuyou, and she was defeated. "You mean, now we can only watch and can't do anything."

"Yes. This is a deep hypnosis. Unlike your previous superficial hypnosis, you can't interfere, you can only wait and see."

"Can you wake him up?"

“Yes, but it takes a professional approach.”

Alice is still a little uneasy.

Because she is not an authority in this field, but Romanka is, if he secretly moves his hands and feet, she may not be able to detect.

It is because of this that she will feel uneasy.

Until now, she still can't be assured of 100% of the Roman card.

However, in addition to resorting to Romanka, she can't do anything at the moment.

I can only secretly pray and hope that things will develop in a smooth direction.

Luomanka also sat down next to him, and he knew in his heart that Alice did not care about him at all, so he was not willing to leave.

However, he does not mind.

The reason why he is willing to come up with a treatment plan for Yuyou is because if he has cured Yuyou through such a means, he will also benefit a lot from his research.

(End of this chapter)

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