Chapter 4207, 336

"If you don't go out and see it, then there is no progress."

Gong Fan took a deep breath and swallowed a sigh of breath. He sighed helplessly. "There is no way to do it now. You can only take one step and be more alert."

Youyou still has his concerns. "Don't say you, we will add up, will it be the man's opponent?"

Gong Fan listened, but there was a silence. After that, he solemnly said, "You can rest assured that I will protect you and live your life!"

Yu You squinted at him for a long while, could not help but cold Jun can not help.

"What joke are you making? After all, is this protection for you?"


Gong Fan looked horrified.

Youyou said to protect him?

Isn't it best to protect you?

"I won't have anything, don't worry."

Youyou is worried about hearing, even if it is not exclusive to this girl, but it is somewhat wary.

"I am the master, no matter what I meet here, in reality, I will not be in any danger, but you are not the same. If you die here, then in reality, it means you will disappear forever. It!"

Youyou said, he couldn't help but get excited. He stepped forward and held his shoulder tightly. He looked nervous. "I don't want you to disappear!"

Gong Fan is silent.

Behind him, suddenly a voice came.

"Do you want to go out?"

When the two milk bags turned back, they saw that they didn't know when, and they came quietly to their side, like a ghost!

"You, are you hiding from the man?"

"Do you know him?" Youyou was shocked and couldn't help but have some accidents.

When I mentioned the man, my look changed and I was obviously afraid.

"I... that man, it’s terrible, I’m afraid of him, so I’m hiding here, I don’t dare to go anywhere.”

Youyou see what you seem to know, and immediately ask, "Who is he?"

However, the facts made him disappointed.

I couldn’t help but shook my head. "I don't know him, I don't know where he came from, what he is doing, what is his identity. Just, there is an inexplicable murder on his body. I dare not approach him. He is everyday. They are patrolling here, just like the sanctioners. He is so powerful, I don't know if he will... hurt me, so I have never dared to go out."

Yuyou’s brain suddenly became messy.

Who is this man?

Is it the sanctioner that has always been said in the Roman card?

However, according to logic, should the role of the sanctioner be led by him or Gong Fan?

The world is too unknown.

"However, if you want to leave here, I know that there is a secret passage to leave the hospital. You can leave the back of the garden without going through the gate. It is the back door of the hospital and there is no lock."

Youyou heard the words and came to the interest. "Do you know where?"

"I know the way, I can take you there!"

Gong Fan listened and immediately stopped the road. "Sorry, we can't take you away."

Hearing, the original bright eyes suddenly faded.

"Why? Do you want to leave me alone?"


Youyou questioned, "Are you not always here?"

"I don't want to stay here, it's too depressed."

(End of this chapter)

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