Chapter 4220, 349

He deliberately let go of his footsteps, apparently suspecting that someone was hiding in the cupboard, and he was afraid that his footsteps would alarm him.

Who is it?

If it weren't for his usual sharpness, I wouldn't have noticed that someone had come to his room and relaxed his vigilance.

So, who is this person entering and leaving the manor?

Gong Fan suspected a large number of closets, but it was obvious that the door of the closet was hidden, which made him more alert.

Normally, he has obsessive-compulsive disorder. Whether it is a drawer or a door, a wardrobe or a decoration, he must return to his original position, especially the cabinet door and the door. There is absolutely no gap left.

He doesn't like the feeling of leaving a gap between the door and the cabinet.

That narrow gap always leaves room for people to imagine.

One night, when he was preparing to fall asleep in bed, he found that the door was not closed. Through the gap in the door, he could just see the direction of the corridor. He always felt that through the gap, he felt a black shadow groping toward his door. .

Therefore, he always has the habit of locking the door and the window door before going to bed. Similarly, the door of the wardrobe is also the same.

Gong Fan’s hand clasped the handle of the door tightly, and violently pulled the door open. The cabinets overlapped with the overlapping clothes, but did not find anything strange.

There is doubt in Gong Fan’s heart, but it is obvious that there is a rapid footstep behind him.

He turned sharply and did not see the people, and he was thrown to the ground by the shadows.

When Gong Fan couldn't wait for a reaction, he was pressed down on the ground, and his neck was smashed with both hands!

"Cough, cough, cough..."

The hands are so tight that he is too fast to breathe!

Gong Fan looked at the person who was throwing on him, even if he was against the light, he could vaguely rely on the outline to see that this is a teenager who is older than him.

Because of the backlight, he couldn't see the appearance of the boy at all, but he vaguely saw his facial features, so strange, never seen!

However, such a dangerous atmosphere, such murderous, Gong Fan did not think of a dream, the boy who pursued him!

In that dream, the boy did not look like this. He looks like Yuyou, but the scarlet eyes are clearly to set his eyes to death, and the boy who is now throwing him down. Eyes, like a glimpse!

"It's you!"

Gong Fan had a hard voice, because he was suffocated by his throat, his suffocation, his blood flowing back to his head, and the feeling of suffocation, which made him subconsciously counterattack!

He waved his hands toward the boy's face and punched it with a punch.


The strength of the young man’s hand has obviously increased. The feeling of suffocation is like a wave, and he is stunned!

Gong Fan’s consciousness gradually blurred, his face was red, and his strength seemed to solidify!

Physical disparity.

He is obviously not his opponent!

How hard he tried to stretch his hand and beat the boy, but he felt that these fists fell on the boy's body, and it didn't hurt.

"You...who are you..."

Is this also the dangerous personality of Youyou?

That night, attacking Yunshi poetry, is it also him!

At the thought of this, Mong Fan’s heart is filled with anger!

He didn't know where the power came from, slammed up and rushed toward him.

(End of this chapter)

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