Chapter 4224 353


He screamed and rushed to the doorway, facing the doorway, and he was lying on the ground, his chest undulating, and the position of his chest was falling. He inserted a sharp candlestick.

The candle on the candlestick was discarded on one side, the sharp end, and the cockroach stabbed into her chest.

Holding the candlestick with both hands, a pair of eyes screamed, and continued to breathe deeply, but the blood continued to overflow from the corners of the mouth.

Youyou is like a knife!

Especially when I saw such a miserable appearance, he was both annoyed and heartbroken. He walked over to her side, but his hands were overwhelmed. I wonder if I should touch her.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

He stared at him with his eyes wide open, and spit out a mouthful of blood. The tears of the beans continued to flow from the corners of his eyes. .



"Oh, it hurts, it hurts..."

She burst into tears, and she cried for a meal, and she was smothered with blood from time to time.

Yu You’s eyes slowly moved to her injured part, until I saw the position where the candlestick was pierced, my heart became clear, and the candlestick stabbed the key...

He couldn’t care too much, and he picked up the sorrow and put her into his arms.

"Don't cry, don't cry, there is me, I am with you..."

In the end, it was a fifteen or six-year-old girl. Under such pain, she was trembling and crying.

"It hurts, it hurts...hey... it hurts..."

Yu You listened, suddenly felt like a knife, and saddened her, but she noticed that she was getting cold and cold because of excessive blood loss.

"I...I am dying..."

Reluctantly holding the arms of Youyou, the tears blurred his eyes.

You Youqiang smiled, "How come? You can rest assured that you will not die! I promise you, will never let you die!"

"But...but I am really hurt, what should I do..."

Even if it is punctured, people will not die in an instant, and in the case of excessive blood loss, they will face pain for a long time.

Open your eyes and keep sucking in the air. It seems that this is the only way to calm the pain.

You are sad to be suffocated, and your head creaks.

How can this happen?

He is somewhat indistinguishable, whether he is in a dream, in reality, or where.

He didn't understand why he had to go through this.

It must have been done by the boy. Why did he do this, why do you have to do such cruel things! ?

He doesn't understand!

What he doesn't understand is whether he controls all these plots or whether the brain controls them.

And the only thing that differs from these personalities is that he is the protagonist, determined from birth, and no one can shake the status.

Otherwise, what is the difference between these personalities?


In the arms, the girl’s breath calmed down.

It is a strange smooth.

It’s like knowing that you are not far from death and can’t escape the calm.

Yu You bowed his head and he was staring at him deeply.

"My name is called... Liang Yizhen..."

"Liang Yizhen..."

"Don't forget me, okay... even if you can't live, you want to live in your heart..."

I muttered, "Yousuke, hug me, okay..."

After reading this paragraph, you will have a feeling of sudden realization. Each personality represents a different negative personality.姗姗 represents cowardice, and the boy represents rebellion and violent. I still remember that when you blessed Yunna into the sea, it was this personality that was doing nothing, even Yuyou and Gong Fan did not know.

(End of this chapter)

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