Chapter 4238 367

“Is it far from your room?”

"I'm a little lost. I have to go to the corridor to recall the layout."

Youyou took a deep breath, "Good!"

He determined that there was no footsteps outside the door, the tone, the courage to open the door, and the door was really no one.

Probably not searching here, don't go upstairs to search.

You are somewhat afraid of this boy.

Not because he is courageous.

It’s the murderousness of that boy, and it’s too horrible!

"I know where it is."

Miyavan recalled, "My room needs to go along this corridor, then turn left, the first one at the end is mine."

Youyou looked around and the empty corridors inevitably gave him a feeling of infiltration.

“There is always a bad feeling here.”

Youyou said, to Gong Fandao, "Let's go to your room."

"What if the footsteps cause attention?"

Youyou picked up his eyebrows. "We can climb over."

Gong Fan, "... can you be serious?"

"I am very serious."

Youyou smiled and grasped his shoulder. "In fact, as long as you are there, I am not so scared. I have you, horizontal and vertical, not alone."

Gong Fan’s heart couldn’t help but touched it, but he didn’t feel too moved. Instead, he turned his face and twisted his face, but his eyes smiled.

The two little guys groped for the past in the room where Miyazawa was.

They always pay attention to the sounds of the sidelines, while they are alert, while trying to lighten their steps.

Soon, they went to the room where Gong Fan was.

Just entering the room, Youyou saw the shotgun hanging on the wall at a glance, and it was bright!

"There is really a shotgun."

Gong Fan also relieved, but there was some faint worry. "I don't know if this gun can be used. I always thought it was a display."

"Try it! At least, there is deterrence in your hand, isn't it?"

Yuyou first stepped forward, stepped on the stool and took the shotgun on the wall.

He fiddled, but didn't understand what was going on.

He is not good at firearms, especially ** guns, and he doesn't even know how this thing is going to go up, how to change bullets.

Gong Fandao, "This is a ** gun, the range is not far, but in the case of close shooting, the power is very large. The bullets of this gun are scattered, and several shots are played once, as long as one or two hits. The goal is enough for him to eat a pot."

"I heard that it was a blasting injury to get a close shot by a ** gun."


Gong Fandao, "I have heard from the palace, if the gun is shot at a close range, the scene must be spectacular."

"Oh, it’s so heavy."

Gong Fan immediately walked over and took the ** gun from the hands of You You. He carefully looked at it. There were bullets in the gun, but not many.

Check it out, bullets are the more common 12GA bullets.

The gun is really heavy, and Gong Fan is a little hard to hold.

Just when the two little guys were immersed in the ** guns, Gong Fan first felt that there was a murderousness behind him!

He jerked back, but he couldn't help but see the figure that appeared at the door.

The teenager stood at the door, and when he saw two people, his eyes were clearly bright!

"Origin you are here!!"

The teenager laughed a little and looked sloppy. "I am looking for you, but I have been looking for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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