Chapter 4255 385

There are too many regrets.

As time passed, he cherished such a small happiness.

There is a kind of peace of mind that she is around.

Even if she doesn't see her, it doesn't matter.

Gong Shaoying inevitably showed too much concern. He could only slap through the mouth of the palace to understand: "Do she still like it here?"

"Does she live in a habit?"

"Sometimes the sea breeze is big, the waves are big, you are a man, protect your sister."


Gong Shaoying has a question, all of which are details.

After listening to the palace, I was shocked by tears.

Gong Shaoying has exposed such a side in front of him.

Carefully inquired about her message from his mouth, trying to give her the best, wanting her to stay on the island for a day.

That kind of cautious feeling is like a small detail that makes her dislike, he feels annoyed.

It was a devout father, heartbroken and wanted to give her the best.

"These words, why don't you ask her personally?"

"ask her?"

Gong Shaoying has no choice but to smile. "She hates me so much. How can I appear in front of her? I am a father who is not qualified. If you are a younger brother, you can't grieve her. Do you understand?"

"Father, you don't have to give orders like a chief. If she doesn't forgive you, will you hide from her forever?"

Gong Shaoying is not happy, "Where do I hide from her?"

"Or else, she has been on the island for so long, why didn't you see her?"

Gong Shaoying has some airways. "How do I see her? At that time, she was worried about the blessings. I didn't dare to disturb her. Moreover, the last thing she wants to see is me. If I see the trade, I will see it. What should she do if she runs away?"

"So, like a tortoise, I shut myself in the study and secretly watched the family portrait?"

Gong Shaoying is therefore dissatisfied. "The tone of your speech today is very problematic. What do you want to do, irritate me?"

"I just want to tell you..."

Miyazaki leaned down and stared at his eyes. "If she wants to see you, would you like to see her?"

Gong Shaoying heard the words, and he was stunned.

"She... she wants to see me?"


Gong Shaoying listened, but suddenly disapproved, "How is it possible?! You said this, who is fooling?! How could she want to see me?"

"I lied to you for any benefit to me?"

Miyazaki shrugged innocently. "And, she is downstairs. Is it that I lied to you? You didn't know if you used to look at it? Or, don't you dare to go?"


Gong Shaoying lives.

He slammed his side and sneaked. "She wants to see me because of what?!"

"You can't ask yourself this question. I don't interfere with the things between your father and daughter!"

After the palace was finished, she lifted her wrist and looked at the watch. "She said that she is willing to wait for you for thirty minutes. If you don't want to see, she won't wait. Father, you look at it."

After that, the palace will go away.

Gong Shaoying screamed at his back. "This stinky boy is not big or small!"

Then, in order to see Yun Shishi want to see him, Gong Shaoying did not have any confidence in his heart.

I don't know, she wants to see him because of what.

Is it...

Sometimes he was discovered by monitoring the sneak peek at her?

During this time, he often pretended to enter the monitoring room unintentionally, switching the lens back and forth, searching for her figure.

(End of this chapter)

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