Chapter 4530 Love is not late to 106


Chu He squatted.

Fierce uncle -



Gu Jinglian fiercely sneezed.

He was feeding the parrot, a sudden sneeze, and the parrot was scared to jump and slammed on the pole.

"Scratch the typhoon! Scratch the typhoon!"

The parrot yelled.

Gu Jinglian glanced at it coldly. "What typhoon? I have a sneeze!"

This stupid bird.

In other words, how can it be sneezing inexplicably.

Is there someone behind him?

Gu Jinglian licked his nose and continued to feed the birds.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chu He couldn’t help but smile. "The fierce uncle, the original Uncle Jinglian is in your memory, is the impression of 'fierce Baba?"

"He is very fierce, giving a very cold feeling..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chu He even smiled and tears came out soon.

She looked helplessly at the white, could not help, and reached out and gently scraped her nose.

"Well, don't cry, this is a good thing. It seems that you have suffered a lot in the past, but now, since you married Cheng Ze, he will not let you be wronged again!"

Chu He clearly slandered her, but when she heard her say so, her tears could not be controlled.

Never expect it, there will be such warmth.

It seems that since the date of the story, no one except her father and mother has been so good to her.

"Cheng Ze is really good to me!"

The day is sad and sad, "But I am afraid that I am not good enough, there is no way to reward him..."

"You are husband and wife, how do you use the word 'return'? Are you married when you are guilty?"

Chu He has some powerlessness. "Hey, I don't care what you used to be. From now on, you shouldn't be so humble. I know you, others are rare for you, so if you have a good point for you, you can't wait for a return." But for us, you don't have to. So?"


The white twitched, but could not speak.

Chu He distressed her in her arms and patted her back gently.

"It’s a pity, in fact, at that time, I discussed with the fierce uncle and wanted to adopt you. However, I did not expect that you were taken to the countryside to study. I still remember that time, Cheng Ze has been depressed. It seems that after that day, his character has changed a bit, slightly matured, and slightly stunned. He didn't laugh before, and he didn't talk before."

Bai Hao listened, some horrified, "Does he remember me?"

"Otherwise? Otherwise why would he marry you? Because he recognized you. For so many years, he has not forgotten you, and your photos, are carefully stored, not even how to change color."

During that time, Gu Chengze did indeed sink for a long time.

She thought it wouldn't take long before he could forget about it.

I did not expect that Bai Yu was in his heart, never forgotten, always remembering that this is more than ten years.

The day was deeply touched.

In fact, she did not forget Gu Chengze. When she was a child, she always liked to play with her. But the memory of her parents before and after her death was too dark. She didn’t want to remember it all the time. Therefore, she even sealed him. stand up.

Now, when I see the photo, I finally think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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