Chapter 825 Three Million Wines

Mu Yazhe elegantly said: "Take the bottle of the big motorcycle 62, remember it on this gentleman's account."

Da Mo 62 was released in 2002, only 12 bottles.

One of the bottles is a private collection of Morgan Paterson's founder Richard Paterson.

The Morgan Stanley 62 combines four super-high years of whisky, the oldest dating back to 1868.

Therefore, how expensive this wine is, it is self-evident.

When he said this, Du Jiayan would inevitably have some legs soft and scared to look white.

Big motorcycle 62! ?

A bottle of big motorcycle 62 is worth three million!

What kind of joke?

Du Jiayan's soft martial arts, Huang Lili on the side is not knowing how expensive this wine is. She is the one who has saved her heart and wants to show it in front of everyone. Therefore, it is an understatement: "Come a bottle!"

Her voice just fell, Du Jiayan stunned her to the face, and her face was ugly.

Huang Lili still didn't know it, and inadvertently found Du Jiayan's white face, and it was awkward.

what happened?

She asked in a lip language.

Du Jiayan is already in the cold sweat.

Mu Yazhe clasped his hands and gently lifted his chin. He looked at Du Jiayan’s cold sweaty face with great interest.

On the unbeatable face, he raised a smug smile, and he said in a cloud: "Since you say casual, then I will be free."

Du Jiayan is riding a tiger for a long time, naturally can not lick his own scene, but can only play swollen face and fat, pretending to be heroic: "I, I... I said, I am very happy today! Don't be restrained, you must have fun. Enjoy yourself!"

"Oh?" Mujazhe extended the tail sound deeply, and ordered a few more dishes.

Almost no menu.

Du Jiayan stared at his every move. He even had some doubts. He could read the name of the dish without looking at the menu. Did he come before?

It is impossible to think about it.

A small company employee of the Disheng Foundation, He Dehe can step into this.

If it wasn't for the class reunion, he wouldn't want to step into it.

You know, private clubs are all membership systems. If you are not a member, don't even think about stepping in!

Yun Shishi secretly asked Mu Yazhe: "A few dishes you just ordered, is it expensive?"

"Not expensive."

Mu Yazhe spoiled her nose: "How? Depressed him for money?"

"how come?"

"These dishes are very famous and taste good." Every time he comes, he will order.

When the dish was presented, Mu Yazhe gave her a sandwich, and Yun Shishi tasted it and stunned her eyes.

"The taste is good!"

Xiao Xue also took a sip, and immediately praised: "Oh! Poetry, your boyfriend has a good eye! These dishes taste great!"

Huang Lili heard Xiao Xue say that the nose that just went to South Korea was almost discouraged.

The things that Mu Yazhe points to are all she pays, how come later, let him smash the scenery!

Du Jiayan is also on the side, boring and not talking. I think about the string of numbers on the bill after the end of the day.

On the one hand, blame Huang Lili, why choose this place.

Huang Lili saw that his face was ugly and a little embarrassing.

Du Jiayan whispered her voice and whispered in her ear: "Do you know how much the bottle of the big motorcycle 62??"

"How much?" Huang Lili's heart is faint.

Tens of thousands?

Hundreds of thousands? !

Du Jiayan gritted his teeth and said: "Three million!"

"Ah!" Huang Lili couldn't help but exclaim, and alarmed everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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