One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 851: I will give you the following.

Chapter 851 I will give you the following

Xiao Yuchen and Yu You, who are hiding in the corner, hold each other's eyes in unison. However, the two small milk bags can't stand the curiosity, open their fingers and peek, but they can't help but be seen by the scene. I have to face red.

Beautiful picture.

More beautiful than the kisses in the idol drama.

Mu Yazhe supported her cheeks and gently outlined her lips. Then, as if she was a little bit of water, she gently sucked the faint sputum on her lips.

Yun Shishi raised his hand and hooked his shoulder, responding to his kiss.

A kiss, each other is deep in the sweet, difficult to extricate themselves.

Xiao Yuchen couldn’t stand it any longer, and squinted and dragged Yuyou back to the room.

Youyou raised his hand and protested: "What are you doing? I haven't seen enough yet!"

"Not guilty, peek at the sly and mummy kiss, bless you!" Xiao Yuchen licked his hot cheek and accused him.

Youyou feels that he is lying in the middle of the arrow, and unpleasantly asks: "Mu Yuchen, what is my lust, have you not seen it yet?"


Xiao Yuchen couldn’t speak, and he simply did not defend. He would hold Yuyou and go to bed.

"You bless, sleep!"

Youyou: "..."

However, the experience was only in the scene, at this moment, You You could not sleep.

He saw the happiness of Mummy's face, overflowing with words, for the first time in his life, seeing the happiness that appeared in her eyes, without any cover.

It seems that Mommy really likes to squat!

If so, then he decided to protect Mommy's happiness, and no one can destroy it!

In the living room, the temperature is constantly rising.

Mu Yazhe opened her skirt and wanted to kiss the kiss and sublimate her feelings. However, at this moment, she only heard the sound of "咕".

Yun Shi poetry is stunned.

Mu Yazhe’s face is also stunned.

"Who is calling?"

"Oh--" is another sound, coming from the belly of Mu Yazhe.

It’s really awkward.

The original ambiguous atmosphere was destroyed at once.

She held her breath, put her ear on his stomach, looked up and blinked, looking at him, but it was a chuckle: "Hungry?"

Mu Yazhe's gaze is close to her smiling lips, he is hungry!

No matter which aspect...

"Then I will give you the food below, okay?" Yun Shishi sat up.

Mu Yazhe followed her words, her eyes slowly moving down.

Yun Shishi looked at his hot gaze and moved down, his face was red, and he suddenly knew where he was going!

She glanced at her face and immediately reached out and held his face and raised it: "Hey, don't you misinterpret my words?"

"Interpretation?" Mu Yazhe looked confused and seemed to be puzzled.

It seems that she wants to marry her, not him!

Yun Shishi’s face was slightly red, and he licked his lips. He said, “I said, if you are hungry, I will give you the following food! Don’t think about it, OK?”

Mu Yazhe is a smile, but she does not tease her. "Ok."

He is really hungry.

So Yunshi poetry went into the kitchen and was ready to go.

Turning over the box, the family is not much food. In general, Yuyou is preparing dinner. The amount is very particular. It is basically enough, there will be no extra surplus, even if there is left, it will not stay until the next day. Eat because it is not healthy.

Therefore, only the instant noodles are left in the house.

Yun Shishi picks up an eyebrow, there is better than nothing!

So she turned on the gas, boiled the water, put the noodles in the pot, and then boiled the poached eggs. I saw some ingredients in the refrigerator, so I fired a small dish.

When I stayed up late at night, I made coffee, I was in a ghost, and all of them were poured on my right hand. Hey! What a ghost, this year's year is not good, the right hand is broken and burned. Fortunately, I rushed with cold water in time, coated with toothpaste, probably no bubbles! TAT, I am really sad reminder... Yesterday, it seems that there is one less, too sleepy, wood has attention...

(End of this chapter)

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