Chapter 884 for her pleading

I don’t even have to think about it, who is this handwritten!

How is it good, suddenly the east window is going to happen, who is the person who reported the anonymous report, no need to guess, Huang Lili already knows who it is!

This time, but completely frightened Huang Lili, rushed home after night, Huang Fu has been taken away by the discipline / inspection / commission.

Huang Mu suffered such a change, and her hair was gray overnight. She cried a few times and fainted. She was sent to the hospital and was still in a coma.

The property in the house is all frozen!

Huang Lili has no choice but to pay for her mother’s medical expenses only after she has only a little savings in her hands. At the moment, she is truly penniless!

The so-called poor mountains and waters are no more than this.

Seeing the yellow mother behind it still needs follow-up treatment, the cost is high, if it is not treated in time, fear that there is a danger of becoming a vegetative person!

Huang Lili was so scared that she called Du Jiayan for help. Du Jiayan refused indifference.

"Huang Lili, do you still have a face to call me? We have already broken up. You should not bother me any more! Because of you, Du family is so badly killed, isn't it enough??"

Huang Lili whispered: "Jia Yan, look at our sentiment, this time help me?"

"You still have a face to tell me about love!" She said, making Du Jiayan angry and angry. "Du family is almost bankrupt because of you! But what about you? How did you do it? Huang Lili! You told me Break up! Since you can't be difficult with me, now you have trouble, why can I help you?!"

"You can't live your own life! If you don't love vanity, you still offend people who shouldn't offend, will you have the end now?"

"Today, Du has not recovered, and it is difficult to protect itself. You should take care of yourself!"

After finishing this, Du Jiayan hangs up the phone. When Huang Lili hits the past again, she has already reminded that she can't connect. It is estimated that Du Jiayan has been blacklisted!

The next day, the hospital sent a reminder again. Huang Lili’s money in the hospital was not enough for medical expenses. Now she has been in arrears with several arrears.

When she was nowhere to go, she didn’t dare to look for Yun Shi’s poems personally, so she found Jiang Li. I hope she can look at her classmates’ face and ask her for her poetry. I hope she will open her favor and not Huang Jia forced to desperate.

Jiang Li refused at first.

However, Huang Lili cried so hard, and even said that if she went on like this, her father went to jail and her mother became a vegetative person. She also had no face to live!

Jiang Li was soft in his heart and promised to verbally.

However, after dialing Yunshi Shi’s phone, she did not know how to speak!

"Poetry, have you heard about Huang Lili?"

"what's up?"

"I heard that Huang Lili's father was reported anonymously, saying that it was corruption and accepting bribes. The money was millions of dollars. Now it has been taken away and investigated. If the crime is established, it is afraid that it will be sentenced to no time!" Jiang Lidao.

Cloud poetry is a moment of indulgence.

Hearing Jiang Lidao: "Her mother can't stand this blow, she has committed a stroke, and she is still in the hospital. It is just that the family's funds have been frozen, and it is unable to pay for medical expenses. If the treatment is not timely, it will become a vegetative person in the future. What awful..."

Yun Shishi whispered softly: "Jiang Li, what do you mean by me?"

Jiang Lizhen stunned: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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