One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 907: Mommy will forgive, I will never forgive

Chapter 907 Mommy will forgive, I will never forgive

Silence for a long while, she tentatively asked: "Song Enya likes you, do you know?"

“Well?” Mu Yazhe didn’t react at first. She first raised her eyebrows and then immediately became aware of her questioning, but then she was silent.

"Do you know?" She saw that he did not return, and pushed him.

He just dropped the voice: "Know!"

"you know?!"

Yun Shishi’s eyes were slightly surprised. “It’s not like that, it’s...”

"I know what you mean!"

Mu Yazhe twisted the eyebrow, this stupid woman thought he was as stupid as her! ?

Of course he knows what Song Enya thinks about him!

The poetry of the cloud is somewhat stunned.

Since he knows, is this still the reaction?

She was a little displeased and snorted: "There are so many women who like you!"

The man squats at her, and it seems that there are many men who are stalking her!

However, when he saw the unpleasant sorrow on her face, he suddenly pulled up his lips and smiled: "How? Jealous?"

Yun Shishi bites her lips and does not answer.

The strength of his hand could not help but aggravate almost, deliberately hurt her, can not allow her to escape: "Answer me."

Yun Shishi is angry and angry: "Don't be too much!"

Looking up, but see the man's handsome face quickly pressed down, thin lips covered her lips, took her sweet lips.

Gently placed in her lips, not like the previous Raiders City, Hao took the strong, but gently kissed, kissed her lips, kissed her lips and smashed, then , kissing her forehead, nose, cheeks, and finally falling on her lips, getting deeper and deeper.

She closed her mouth and couldn't let him invade. However, the strength of his hand was a bit heavy. She painfully opened her lips and took a sigh of coolness. He rushed in and gently swept.

Some, I want her.

However, it is not the present. What she needs more now is rest.

With such thoughts, he curbed the desires that he had pulled out of his body, and he narrowed his eyes and smashed the flames of his eyes!

After she wiped the wound medicine for her, she let her rest early.

After experiencing the ridiculous "war" in the afternoon, she seemed to be exhausted, and when she got a pillow on her head, she quickly slept.

Covering her quilt for her, leaving the room, in the living room, Yun Tianyou only made a fried rice. When he saw him, he immediately went forward and asked: "How is Mommy?"


He reached out and gently licked Yu Youyou's hair: "Hey, don't quarrel her, let her sleep more."


Yuyou suddenly twitched his eyebrows and asked: "Well, what happened in the afternoon, you know?"

"About understanding."

Yun Tianyou thought of the scene when he went home in the afternoon, and the light was cold and cold. "Who is she?"

Mu Yazhe saw a murderous murder on his face, and he knew clearly, if he let him know who did it, I was afraid...

His son, on the surface, is gentle, like an elegant little gentleman, but he is violated by the scales, but he will make crazy things.

"This matter, you don't care, I will handle it." He said.

He will let Song Enya personally apologize.

“How do you deal with it?” Youyou suddenly asked, as if he knew what he called “handling”, but he did not want this simple past. “This is not a simple apology to solve! Even mom Mi will forgive me, and I will never forgive!"

(End of this chapter)

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